New Diagnosis

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TW- Talk of Cancer and Death

*2 years later*

These last 2 years have been far from normal shortly after my knee incident I started getting sick a lot. I had every test known to man done until they found it. 2 years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer, stage 3 breast cancer.

It's been really hard dealing with it but the boys have been great they've been helping me out tremendously, no matter what I needed what I asked for the amount of pain I was in the nights that I couldn't sleep they were always there with me.

And now two years later I'm at my house in a hospice bed hooked up to a morphine drip. They did surgery and removed both of my breasts but nothing worked it still kept coming back and it spread all over my body, to the point where there was nothing else a doctor could do.

I can feel that the time was almost here. My energy was fading, I was up to 30 clicks of morphine a day and I could barely talk. The boys took turns sitting by my side and sleeping on the floor next to me every night. They never once left me.

Woo was with me right now. I tapped him on the shoulder indicating that it was time, so he called all the boys into the room. They surrounded me and had one hand on some part of my body as I told them that I loved them. That was the last thing that I ever said to them, after I said those three words I drifted off into a forever sleep. I was no longer in pain and the boys could finally live the rest of their lives without taking care of me.

I hope one day they can finally be happy again.
Goodbye for now my sweet boys until we meet again.

*The End*


Sorry, I had no more thought for this book. So it was either, discontinue it or end it and I chose to end it. Not all books have happy endings, so here's mine. I have a new one in mind and it will definitely be written at a slower pace so I don't get burned out. Happy reading.

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