The "Meeting"

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I stand up trying to walk away and immediately get pulled back down by San and Woo both. They gently wrap their hands around my waist to secure me in place on the couch. I wiggle trying to break free but with no luck, I was staying where I was. The boys piled in one by one. San texted everyone telling them we needed to have a meeting in the living room and that it was important.

All the boys were present except for Hongjoong. I finally broke free and jumped to my feet. I went to walk away when he busted through the door panting. "I hope this is really important I was busy" Hongjoong said trying to catch his breath. He locked eyes with me and saw the sour look on my face and knew that something was wrong.

I dropped the gaze and walked away. I went straight to the kitchen and started pulling out ingredients to make dinner. I was stopped by a strong set of hands that belonged to San. He looked me in the eyes. "This conversation needs to happen if you want this to work sweetheart" he said whispering in my ear. I just nodded and put everything back in its place.

We made our way back to the living room. There was silence, awkward silence, I didn't know how much longer I can take it and that's when Woo spoke up.

"Okay so this is a very important conversation, y/n is having a hard time with the possible poly relationship, it's not that she doesn't want it. Well at least I don't think it's not because she doesn't want it, it's just she feels bad when she kisses other people in the relationship. Today we went on a date.." he look straight at me pretty much asking me if he could continue. I nodded letting him know it was okay. "Today we went on a date and during our date we kissed, when we came home and her and San were talking and he tried to kiss her but she wouldn't let him, she said she felt like she was cheating, we tried to reassure her to let her know that this is how Polly works and that none of us are going to get angry or upset or jealous if she kisses another person in the same day. But she still doesn't feel that way, so San texted everyone to have this meeting so we could discuss boundaries and rules on how this would work if we decided to become poly." He said as he motioned for the next person to speak.

No one said anything they all just looked at me. We sat for a while in silence.

"Okay so for the rules. I feel like it should be simple. No jealousy, no hard feelings, no anger. If something is bothering us we have another sit down and talk it out. And for boundaries, that's up to you, you choose what you're okay with and what you aren't okay with. You choose how fast or slow we progress into this. Do you have anything you would like to add sweetheart" Hongjoong spoke up.

I look at everyone and nodded. "I feel like it's definitely going to take me some time to get used to this whole thing, since everyone is okay with everything and no one's going to get mad or jealous or upset then I'm fine with everything, I just really don't want to hurt anyone's feelings by kissing more than one person in the same day. I really don't want to hurt any of you and I'm trying to prevent that. So if everyone's okay with it then I'm okay with it as well. It's going to take me awhile to get used to it that's for sure but that doesn't mean that I don't want this. Woo made me feel special today and I know that every single one of you will, I will make sure that I give each of you attention and I don't make any of you feel like I have favorites or feel left out. The one thing I do ask of you guys is that you give me time when it comes to anything intimate. That's one thing that's going to take some time. Other than that I want to continue with the way things are going. I enjoy each one of y'all's presents and saying that I do want to proceed with a poly relationship." I said as I looked down

The next thing I know I'm being dog piled onto, every single one of the boys was laying on top of me and we all just burst out into a fit of laughter.

"Okay I love you guys but you're hurting me so if you don't get off I'm going to dump ice cold water on you when you're sleeping" I said giggling

They all jumped off and stood in front of me.

"Now who's hungry?" I said smiling, they all jumped up and down acting like a bunch of toddlers with their hands in the air. "Okay now go clean up while I cook dinner" I said while walking to the kitchen. I turned around "oh and Hongjoong?" "Yes" he said turning around. "Don't you dare think about going back to the studio to work more you're going to eat and go to bed you need your sleep you need your rest, so I hope you packed up your stuff before you headed over here" I said giving him a wink. He just groaned and walked away to his bedroom.

After making dinner we all sat down to eat. We had small talk and lots of laughter, after we finished eating I started cleaning up, when a set of hands wrapped around my waist and put their head on my shoulder. "You know we can clean up, if you would like to go rest, you leg is still healing" San said "no it's fine I'm going to clean up and take a shower" I said nuzzling into his embrace. "Can I join you" he said jokingly. "Sure" I said. I don't think he expected that answer. He turned me around and told me he was just kidding that he didn't wanna push boundaries. "No really. You can, just no funny business" I said while slowly pulling him in for a kiss. It was a quick one, but that doesn't mean it didn't make me weak in the knees, his lips were so soft and plump that I melted into them immediately.

He grabbed my hand and led me to the bathroom. He adjusted the water to make it the perfect temperature as we strip down to nothing, I was very self-conscious so I immediately covered up with my hands. He asked me again if I was sure I was okay with this and I nodded in agreement. We had a nice shower he helped me wash my hair and I helped him wash his, there was some light kissing but nothing too intense.

After the shower he went to leave and I grabbed his hand. "Do you wanna stay with me tonight" I asked nervously "of course" he said smiling

We layed down in bed and I layed on his chest. Moments later we were both asleep.

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