Shopping Spree Pt. One

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After our conversation last night we all ate and bid a farewell and went to bed. I instantly fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I was so comfortable in bed when a sweet smell of pine and mint hit my nose and a soft delicate hand was placed on my cheek. I fluttered my eyes open only to meet a beautiful set of orbs that belong to Seonghwa. He was giving me the sweetest smile and I could have passed out right there from the site alone.

"Good morning beautiful, how did you sleep?" He said still flashing a toothy grin

I placed my hand on his hand and nuzzled into it. He just giggled and lied down next to me. He placed his free hand on my waist with a questioning look. "Is this okay?" He asked, I just nodded my head and lightly closed my eyes.

"As much as I am loving this right now. It's time for you to get ready to go shopping. Mr. Young stopped by and gave us your company credit card and said you were supposed to go get a whole new wardrobe?" He question.

I was so tired that I wasn't thinking when I responded. "Yeah living in your car doesn't give you much space to have clothes so I only have a few outfits" I said. After a few seconds it all processed and my eyes shot open and I pushed myself up in a sitting position. My eyes got wide as I looked at him.

"Wait. You lived in your car? For how long? Wait why? Y/n.... What is going on?" He rambled.

I took a deep breath and sighed. "Okay look I didn't want to tell you guys because I didn't want you to think any less of me, but something happened to me that I don't wanna talk about right now. I'll tell you but just not today, what I will tell you is that due to that experience, I was left on my own at 18 and had nothing but my car. I jumped from job to job because no one could keep me due to me not having a permanent address. Until I met your manager. He immediately asked me if I needed a job and granted me this perfect thing I now call life. I'm forever grateful for him and you boys, but yes due to that I have to go shopping. Oh and for the other question, about 5 years." I said shyly

He just looked at me with his mouth gapped. I slowly shut it with my hand "you're gonna catch flies if you're not careful" I giggled "I'm sorry I'm just trying to process everything." He said blinking his eyes a few times.

We sat there in silence for a few minutes until he lightly put his hand back on my face, lying us down once again. I closed my eyes taking in his scent as I cuddle into his side. He took a deep breath and apologized for everything. He felt so bad that I had to go through what I went through by myself. Before I could respond the door shot open and a very sleepy and sad looking Wooyoung waddled in.

"HEY THAT'S NOT FAIR, I want cuddles too.." he yelled, saying the last part was a little lower. "Well then come here my sweet love" I said signaling him to lay behind me.

He hopped on the bed and immediately cuddled into me, sliding his hands around my waist and his face into the crook of my neck. After a few moments of silence all three of us drifted back to sleep.

Two hours had passed and I woke up to the sound of something clicking. I opened my eyes to see Jongho holding up his camera taking pictures. When he saw that I was awake, he busted into a fight of giggles and took off running. I quickly but easily slipped out of the two boys grasp trying not to wake them, taking off after him. I ran through the house looking for him. Peaking into all of the rooms and behind furniture until I saw him outside on the balcony swaying his hips with his tongue sticking out in a mocking manner.

I simply just walked up to the door and locked it. I plastered a huge smile on my face and giggled. He realized what I did and immediately started pouting. I couldn't take it so I unlocked the door allowing him to come back inside. He slowly handed me his phone and I opened the gallery looking at all of the pictures he took.

I smiled so bright as I scrolled through them. I then opened up his contacts and typed in my number, handing him back his phone. "I just wanted to see the picture sweetheart. I added my number, just text them to me." I said placing a gentle kiss on his cheek as I skipped away to go wake the boys.

It was finally time to get my life back in order and it starts with some fresh clothes and a new perspective on life.

I continued skipping down the hall until I reached my room. I slowly walked over to the sleeping boys. I lightly put my hands on their cheeks trying to wake them.

"Boys it's time to go shopping, who would like to join me." I said smiling. They both jolted up putting those hands in the air. I just giggled at the site. "Okay well go shower and get ready. We leave in an hour" I said as I walked towards the bathroom.

I stood against the door frame as the boys scattered to go get ready. 'Maybe this is how my life is supposed to happen. If it is, so far, I'm not complaining' I said to myself.

I happily sighed as I grabbed an outfit and made my way to the shower. Today is going to be a good day.

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