Cleaning and Relaxation

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The last few days have been super hectic and a lot has happened, the boys and I decided that today was going to be full of cleaning the house and relaxing. So to start off I started cleaning every room in the house including the boys' room. The boys ended up leave for a few hours. They said they had something important to do before we relaxed for the day. So I just started cleaning before they got back.

Living Room

I cleaned up all of the scattered clothes and put them in their designated clothes bin. I picked up all the shoes and organized them by the door. I folded up all the blankets and laid them on the back of the couch. I picked up any trash and put it in the bin, gathered up any dishes and wiped down all the tables.


I cleaned up from dinner last night since San pulled me away before I could do so. I washed, dried and put away all of the dishes, I cleaned off the counters and the kitchen table. I swept and mopped and took out the trash. The boys are really gonna get me for that. They claimed that the trash was too "yucky for my pretty hands", they make me giggle.

I cleaned up the bathrooms by wiping down the sink, cleaning the toilet and wiping down the showers and bathtubs. I also swept and mopped them as well.

Hongjoong and Seonghwa's Room

Their room wasn't back at all, I just had to pick up some clothes and dust.

San and Wooyoung's Room

I walked into their room and immediately closed the door, I needed a few minutes to process this disaster of a room. I slowly walked back in, hoping that I was just delusional and it wasn't that bad, but it was. I had to pick up loads of clothes, there were shoes everywhere so I straightened them up. I dusted and wiped down their desks and nightstands. I gathered up all of their dirty dishes. I vacuumed and lastly I made their beds.

I took all the dirty dishes to the kitchen and waited until I was done with the rooms before cleaning them.

Yeosang and Mingi's Room

Their room was the same as the first. It wasn't bad at all I gathered up some dirty clothes and wiped down tables and dusted. I ended up doing a little vacuuming as well.

Jongho and Yunho's Room

I was surprised when I walked into thier room. I didn't have to do anything. It was completely spotless. I was so relieved. I was getting tired and my leg was starting to hurt again.

After gathering up all of the boys' laundry baskets I made my way to the laundry room. I ended up making a list of what laundry I had done so I didn't mix them up. Once I started the first load I went to start lunch. The boys should be home soon so I wanna make sure everything is perfect when they get here.

I ended up making Bibimbap again because the boys raved about it so much. Once finished I started on the dishes again. I fished up setting the table just as they walked in. They all had handfuls of bags and immediately dropped them when they saw the house. They ran up to me and one by one gave me a quick kiss and thanked me for all of my hard work. Yeosang and Jongho even did as well. I was shocked because I haven't had time to talk to all of them as much just yet but I was happy that they took the initiative.

We all sat down to eat. Once I was done I went to the hall closet and pulled out all of the extra blankets and pillows. Let's just say there were a lot. After moving the coffee table, I placed all of the blankets down creating a pallet for us to lay on. I motioned for the boys letting them know I would clean up before going to bed but they didn't listen. They stood in a line and each one washed there dishes. Mingi ended up even wiping down the table too.

We all laid down in the middle so I was surrounded by all of the boys. It was so comfortable and I was so tired therefore it was very hard to keep my eyes open. Mingi noticed and told me to take a nap and he would wake me up in an hour. As soon as he said that I closed my eyes and drifted off.

Mingi didn't lie. After and hour he woke me up. They boys had all just sat and talked while waiting on me to start the movies. Yunho eneded up grabbing all of the bags and brought them over and just dumped them on my lap. There was so many snacks and candies that I knew I was gonna gain 20 pounds just from eating it.

After a couple hours had past we all ended up falling into a sleep coma. Mingi was the first to wake and lightly woke me up.

"Can we talk for a minute" he said playing with his fingers. "Of course love, we can go to my room if you'd like" he nodded in response. We walked to my room and sat on the bed.

"What's going on sweetheart" I said as I placed my hands in his. "I really like you, like really like you. I wanna take you on a date if you'll let me." He said looking down. I placed my hand on his chin and lifted his head so I could look him in the eyes. I slowly leaned in and so did he.. I gently placed my lips on his and they instantly molded together like they were meant to be there. The kiss was sweet and soft, the pace seemed to pick up and became more intense. We pulled away after a minute to catch our breath. "Does that answer your question love" I said as I pecked his lips again. He just blushed and nodded. "Now I do have a date with San tomorrow so whenever you have a free day I'm all yours okay?" I said smiling "how about Friday. I have a half day and I have the perfect idea" he said with the cheesest grin on his face. "That sounds perfect hunny" I said as I caressed his cheek.

We made our way back to the living room as all of the boys started to wake up. We joined them and continued watching movies. It was the perfect way to end a perfect day.

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