Bad Dreams and Dream Boys

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*TW Talk of Abuse*

*Please no more. I can't take it anymore. I didn't do anything wrong*

*Mommy please it hurts*

*Dad please stop her*

*You're just gonna stand there and not do anything*

*So instead you help her beat me instead of saving your daughter*

*Are either one of you going to respond to me*

*Please God just kill me already I can't take this anymore*

*Mingi's POV*

I heard screaming. I knew immediately it was y/n. I jumped out of bed and ran to her room. She was sleeping, it was nowhere near peaceful tho. I'm guessing all of the boys heard as well as they all piled into her room.

"She's having a nightmare" I said

"We need to wake her" Yeosang said

"No when you're having nightmare like this you have to let her wake up on her own. If you wake her before she does so herself or before she "dies" in her dream I mean, there's a chance she could hurt herself or someone else in the process, I'm not sure what her dream is about but we have to let her work it out" Jongho said

Yeosang ended up laying with her holding down her body trying to calm her
It started to work and she slowly opened her eyes.

*Y/n POV*

I slowly opened my eyes scared that it wasn't a dream. I was being held down and got scared. I immediately started trying to get out of their grasp until I heard his sweet voice.

"Shhhhhh baby it's okay, it's me Yeosang, I got you sweetheart" I calmed down into his embrace. I laid there for a while before San piped up. "Baby what happened" he said, I shook my head no. They understood and didn't ask again. I told them I would tell them tomorrow. "Will all of you stay with me, please. I really don't wanna be alone right now" I said as I snuggled into Yeosang's side. They all agreed. They made a pile of blankets in the bedroom floor and cuddled together. Yeosang on one side and Jongho on the other while the rest of them laid on the floor. I finally felt safe and drifted into a slumber.

I woke up to the smell of food. Everyone was still here except Mingi. I'm guessing he's making breakfast. I slowly got out of bed trying not to wake the boys. I made my way to the kitchen and saw him standing there making eggs, bacon, pancakes and sausage. I snuck up behind him and snaked my arms around his waist. He jumped at my touch. He slowly turned off all of the burners and turned around. He wrapped his arms around my neck and rested his head on mine.

"Baby? I'm so sorry okay, I know I say it a lot but I really am. I hate that I hurt you and I wish I never did, can you please forgive me?" He said with a shaky voice. " You have been there for me for the last week or so. You have shown me how much you care and how sorry you are. Can we please just forget it and never speak on it again. I forgive you baby and I'd really like that date if you'll still take me?" I said smiling "of course, done and done. How about tonight?" He said with confidence. "Sounds perfect love" I said kissing his lips.

It was finally that time to get ready for our date. He told me to were comfortable clothing so I stuck with some shorts that were probably to short for my liking but I wanted to tease Mingi a little bit. He's not a fan of revealing clothing but I felt like being a brat today. I paired it with a very high cut crop top and some thigh high converse. I threw my hair up into a tight ponytail and chose to go with no makeup today.

I walked out of the bedroom and into the living room. His eyes immediately met mine. He darted over towards me and grabbed me by the wrist. "No ma'am, go change, you are not going out like that" he said gritting his teeth. "But why" I said with a smirk " You know why, now go change" he said a little harshly. That made my brat energy go into full effect. "No" I said yanking my hard away "it's either like this or not at all" I said "Now, I know the only reason reason you want me to change is because you can't stop looking at me and you know, every single guy is going to be looking at me the same way" I said smirking "Now isn't that right... Daddy" I said whispering in his ear.

The next thing I know I was being hoisted over his shoulder and a hard smack met my ass. Let's just say Mingi fucked the Brat right out of me.

I went to my room and changed into some longer short and a more appropriate crop top. He was much more satisfied with this look than the other "Thank you doll face, now, how about that date? Hmm?" I just nodded.

We ended up going to the amusement park. I wasn't too fond of them because I'm not big on the drops and speed but I wanted to make him happy. We went multiple rides until I needed a slight break. The whole time I have been teasing him tho. Lightly brushing my body up against him, brushing my fingers on him. Pushing up against his member. Every little think I could think of to get him riled up. Let's just say my brat side doesn't always go away so easily. After about another two hours he just couldn't take it anymore. He pulled me to the side "Don't think I don't know what you're doing doll face, I'm not as dumb as I look, you are being extra bratty today and I'm gonna fix it. Let's go, Now!" He said pulling me across the parking lot. I pulled my hand out of his grip and crossed my arms "No" I simply said "okay you're done missy" he said throwing me over his shoulder.

After a few minutes of walking my head started pounding. "Mingi baby, my head is hurting really bad, do you think you could set me down for a second" I said. He immediately did. He asked me if I was okay and that's all I remember.

Everything went black.

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