Chapter 12: Start of the season

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A few months later - the start of the regular season

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Today is the first game of the season, and it was a home game against the Chicago Bears. I arrive at Sofi Stadium, and then out to the field before the guys, come out to warm up for the game. Between the span of when Joe was here till today, nothing really happened between Me and Matthew, or Joe. Besides me and Matthew hanging out with the Kershaw family and going to Dodger games to support Clayton, Matthew and I have maintained a good bond. Now that it's the regular season, Joe and I are limited to long-distance communication. Then Sean came on the field, " Early today, huh, Y/N," Sean asked. "I'm just ready for a new season, Sean," I said. Then the guys came onto the field, and Cooper and Matthew came over to us. " Hey, coaches, ready for another season," Cooper asked. " You know it, Coop, let's do this thing," Sean said. " You Ready, Matt," I asked. " Ready as I'll ever be, Y/N," Matthew said as he winks at me. Not long after the game begins and we were off to a great start, Matthew got his first touchdown as a Ram, which was exciting, we end up winning the game, 34-14. I went home after a little while and I decided to call Joe to see how his first game went.

Hey Sunshine, what's going on?

Hey, Joey just wanted to see how your first game went against the Vikings.

Oh it went great we won in overtime 27-24, how about the Rams

Oh, that's great, Joey, we won too, 34-14

Well it was a good day for both teams then

Yea, so are we on for seeing each other in both bye weeks for weeks 10 & 11 in November

Yeah, can't for that i really miss you,Sunshine

I miss you too, Joey I can't wait , I'll talk to you later

Okay, Sunshine, talk to you later

After that I put my phone to charge,and went to take a shower, then after the shower and drying off then putting some comfy clothes on I saw a text that I got from Matthew

💛 Matt (QB1)💙

Matt: Hey nice job today, Darlin 😉

Thanks,Matt, congratulations on your first win as a Ram and to your first Touchdown too ☺️

Matt: that was all thanks to you and Sean, Also Clayton said to tell you good job as well

Aww, that's sweet, thank him for me

Matt: I will, well I'll talk to you later, Darlin gave a good rest of your day

You too, Matt, talk to you soon

I decided to pay my Dad a visit I know he'll be thrilled because of today's win. I arrived at my Dad's house, " Hey, Kiddo, congrats on the win today," My dad said. " Thanks, Dad, I'm so glad that is finally here again," I said. " So, How is Sydney and Evan doing," My Dad asked. " They are great. The Bengals also won their game today," I said. " That's great, I always liked Evan he's a good Kid, and I'm happy for him and Sydney," My Dad said. My Dad treated Sydney like another daughter. " So how about the Quarterback, Joe Burrow. He's one impressive kid, especially after that ACL injury," My dad asked. Although I'm super Close with my Dad, he doesn't know about me talking to Joe. " Yeah, he's pretty impressive," I said. " speaking of Impressive Quarterbacks, Matthew Stafford sure is fitting in with the Rams, that was a smart move," My dad said. " Yeah, this is really good for him," I said. " How are things between the two of you," he asked. " things are going steady between us it's great working with him," I said. it really is great working with Matthew, besides the teasing from Sean. Everything else is great and im happy that I get to do this job and work in the NFL.

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