Chapter 8: Back to business

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Today is the day where I go back to LA, Sydney and Evan are leaving for there honeymoon too. Sydney and I were spending some time together at the house before I leave. " I think you should spend some time with Joe before we go to the airport, love," Sydney said. " I know, I know," I said. Then Joe appeared, " Hey, Joe," I said, " Hey, Y/N, I want to talk to you," Joe said. " Okay," I said then Sydney immediately went into the other room. " I admit I'm going to miss you, Y/N," Joe said. " I am too, Joey if im going to be honest," I said. " I like when you call me Joey," Joe said with a smile. " I'll be one call or text away too, so don't be afraid too," I said. " Also, you are always welcome to visit in LA," I said. " Maybe I'll visit before the the season," Joe said. then Sydney came back and said " I really hate to break the convo but Y/N love we have to go." Then I looked at Joe,and he suddenly gave me a hug. I embraced him tight, for a moment then let go. " I'll call you when I landed in LA, Joey," I said. " I looked to hear from you," Joe said. then He walked out with us to the car. " See you later, Ev," Joe said. " See ya soon, Joe," Evan said. " Bye, Joe, thanks for coming," Sydney said. " Anytime, Sydney," Joe said. " Goodbye, Joey, it was a nice meeting you," I said. " you too, it was a pleasure, Have a nice flight, Sunshine," Joe said. then We left and both of them were silent. " Okay, you two what gives," I asked. " you and Joe," they said. " because of the nicknames," I asked. " Uh huh," They said. " I can't with you two, sometimes," I said. " But you love us," Sydney said. " Yes, I do," I said with a sigh. then we got the airport I said my goodbyes to the McPhersons, and head to my flight back to LA.

time Skip

After a few hours of flying back to LA, I arrived in LAX aka Crazytown, as I like to call it. I got my things, and got a ride back to my apartment. Once I got back my apartment I remember to call Joe.

Hey Joey, I made back my apartment in LA

Oh Hey, Sunshine, that's good, I miss you

I miss you too, I had a good time getting to know you

Same, Im happy we did too

Well, I'll talk to you soon, Joey and if you need to call or text me whenever

OKay, Sunshine, talk to you later, Im glad you got home safe

I then ended the called then I decided to text Sean that I was back in La

💙 Sean McVay 💛

Hey Sean , I m back in LA

Sean: Oh how's your flight

Its was good,I'll be coming tomorrow to the train facility

Sean:Okay, see ya tomorrow

Time skip again to the next day

I get dressed to go to the practice facility for the first week of training, that means I officially am going to see Matthew Stafford everyday. I get to the facility, and Sean is there to greet me. " Hey, ready to get to work," Sean asked. " yup, lets do this," I said. We go out to the field, and Cooper Kupp is there to greet us. " Hey, Coop, how've you been, my friend," I asked as I gave him a hug. " Ive been good," Cooper said with a smile. Cooper and I are good friends to we have been close too. Then I saw see Matthew come out, " Oh look, its Matthew," Sean said. "Hey, Matthew," Sean said. then Matthew came over to us, " Hey y'all, what's up," Matthew said. " Just excited to get to work and its a pleasure to play with Matthew," Cooper said. " Aw, thanks Cooper, im pumped to work with you too," Matthew said. " I know, Y/N is thrilled to work with you," Sean said. I elbowed him in the side. " Well, I am too, lets get to work, Coach," Matthew said to me with smile. after a few hours of training, we were done for the day. As I was leaving, I was stopped by Matthew. " Oh, Matthew hey, something you need," I asked. " I was wondering if you wanted to go get lunch with me," Matthew asked. " Um, sure," I said. We went to one of my favorite place since Matthew is still getting used to LA. " So, Sean says you wanted to wedding," Matthew said. " Yeah, my Best friend, Sydney got married to the Kicker for the Bengals," I said. " It was a nice ceremony, it was at a vineyard outside of the city," I said. " So, What about how are liking LA," I asked. " Its definitely different than Detroit, I went the beach yesterday," Matthew said. " Oh what beach," I asked. " Santa Monica," He said. " Ah,one of my favorites, how did you like it" I said. " Its nice, the pier is cool," Matthew said. " Im glad you liked it," I said. " Have you spent time with Clayton Kershaw at all," I asked. Clayton Kershaw, who is a pitcher for the Los Dodgers is Matthew's childhood friend. " Yeah, I did, it was nice to see him again, have you met him," Matthew said. " I actually haven't," I said. " I can introduce you if you want," Matthew said. " I would like that," I said. " Great, I give him a call and we'll arrange something," Matthew said. " That would be great, thanks Matt," I said. " You're welcome, Y/N,and thank you for coming to with me," He said with a shy smile. " Anytime, Matt, I like hang out with you," I said. " Would you like to go out for dinner sometime," Matthew asked. " Like as a date or friend," Asked. " I guess a date if you want it to be a date," Matthew said as he rubbed the back of neck. Matthew Stafford is asking me out, first the wedding and Joe, now Matthew is asking me out. " Sure, I'll go out to dinner with you as date," I said with smile. " Great, and I think we didn't exchange numbers yet," Matthew said. " Oh, yeah you're right we haven't," I said. Then we exchanged number, once Sean heard about this he is never going to let me hear the ended of it. " Okay, I'll text you about meeting Clayton," Matthew said. " How about Friday, for dinner," I asked. " Sure, I can do Friday," Matthew said. " We talk more detail later," I said. " Okay, well, I had a nice time with you, Y/N," Matthew said. " I did too, Matt, and im looking forward to our date," I said. " So am I," he said.

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