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Kitty sat down between Eros's legs, her back being supported by his chest.

" What is it "

" I'm hungry "

" I'll go hunt. You, go tell him "

Kitty knew exactly what he wanted her to tell him and considering she was going to mate with Winston, it was the right thing to do. Give him a choice before he could regret.

She went outside where Winston was cutting logs. Kitty was bewildered how a scar could make a person undesirable here. Even more so when power is more important than looks yet females here collect men like gems on display, and discard them when their value falls.


Winston feeling a gaze on himself looked up to find Kitty staring at him. His cheeks burned as he tried to not show how much he was blushing. This was the first time a female hadn't been repulsed by him or pittied him.

" Do you want to go swim? " Kitty asked pointing towards the lake that was not far from their house. Not showering for a week had made her feel filthy. She would also look for some branches to chew on, her mouth smelled and tasted disgusting.


Grabbing on a hide for the two of them, Kitty ran towards the lake ignoring Winston's yells of concern.

Diving in, she opened her eyes and looked around at the clear Lake. She was a little shocked by the fact her eyes didn't sting as they normally did on Earth.

Gasping for air she rose up hitting Winston on the head.

" Are you all right? " Winston frowned looking at her red forehead

" Peachy "

Swimming up to the shore, Kitty saw a lots of mint growing like weed. She quickly plucked some putting them in her mouth.

Getting the refreshing taste she let out a sigh of content. She plucked a few by the roots and wrapped them in a nearby leaf.

Kitty who was still in her clothes felt a Little uncomfortable taking them off in front of Winston. But, she had to wash her clothes too.

' it's alright, he's your future husband '  she thought quickly stripping off and getting in the water.

Winston who was keeping an eye on her blushed hard. He had seen many females undressed, but there was something different when your supposed mate undresses in front of you.

Kitty was thankful that Winston did not reach strongly or said anything. Feeling a little more comfortable than before, she swam up to him and started asking him about the beast city.


When Eros was coming back he saw the two of them swimming in the lake. Usually, he was not the jealous type but for some reason he felt extremely jealous.

He quickly kept the prey in the house and walked towards the duo with some clothes in his hands.

Seeing Eros approach, Kitty waved at him to join them. He quickly removed his fur and jumped in the water right beside her, splashing water all over.

Kitty coughed out the water glaring at Eros who was laughing at her. He dipped his hands in the water splashing the duo again.

Before they realised, their little teasing turned into a water fight of who splashes the most.


" Umm, guys. I only bought two hides " Kitty mumbled in embarrassment. How did she forget to carry clothes, scratch that. She didn't even have anymore clothes.

Eros grinned in victory as he took out a pair of bra, pants and a a-line dress from a branch. " I knew you'd forget about clothes so i took the liberty of making you a pair "

Kitty smiled and hugged him. Eros who could clearly feel his mate's bare body stiffned. ' nope, we're outside. Control '

He then passed her the slippers he made. "I saw your old footwear shaped like this, tho I do not understand how the straps were made so I left them for you to tie " he said picking up a slipper that had two laces like ballerina shoes.

Kitty thanked him tying the laces in a criss-cross manner. Grinning in approval she twirled around showing off her dress to the two males.

" You needn't make food today, we should go to the banquet" Winston told Eros who nodded, passing an apple to Kitty.

𝚃𝚁𝙸𝙿𝙿𝙴𝙳 𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙾 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙱𝙴𝙰𝚂𝚃𝚆𝙾𝚁𝙻𝙳 Where stories live. Discover now