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Time flowed by and all the snow started melting. Finally the winter had some to an end.

Well not all snow.

Kitty was staring at the igloo and the ice block in her fridge with confusion.

" Shouldn't they melt too? I mean free air conditioner, yaaay. But, it's a little too weird "  she mumbled to herself

" What's weird? " She heard a voice ask behind her

" Well, the snow outside has already started melting. But the igloo and ice blocks seem to have a magic of their own- YOU'RE BACK! " She squealed when she turned around.

She jumped on Eros's arms and hugged him tightly

" I missed you so much. "

" Not too much it seems " Eros teased poking the stretching tiger visible from top.

" Oh, did I say I missed you. Well you heard wrong. I missed my children, were are they? " She flicked his forehead as she hoped back to the floor.

" They're in the bedroom " Eros guided her to the bedroom.

The bedroom was a sight to see. The four snakes were sprawled around the entire room, with bulged bellies.

" Pfft " Kitty couldn't help but snicker.

The snakes were the size of her arm and one of them looked identical to Eros.

Same olive eyes. His body was also olive in colour

The other two looked identical with brown bodies and hazel eyes they had inherited from Kitty.

The last one stood out the most. With pure white body and ocean blue eyes.

The snakes who heard her Laughing hissed at her in defence

Eros was about to scold his sons when he immediately backed down and sat on the bed.

" You dare hiss at your mother you ungrateful brats! I have my slipper on you know "  Kitty glared at her sons with her hands on her hips

Eros started to laugh when his sons who were trying to act brave whimpered under their mother's gaze.

Maybe his legacy would change, his sons would experience the love of a mother.

No what was he thinking

" Sorry mom " the white snake hissed

" It's alright. You were probably just scared " Kitty smiled and stroked her son's head

Eros who was watching the interaction was a bit weirded out. Kitty understood what they hissed?

" You understand them? " He finally asked, she might have not understood and just guessed it afterall.

" Ya, he said sorry " She shrugged

" Dove, he was hissing not speaking"

" Well I have learnt not to question anything. Me being here doesn't make sense either"

Eros hummed and thought about the snow cavd over their house and the ice blocks. They both had the smell of the same beast who was following them.

He had thought a lot about it and the beast didn't seem to harm Kitty, he was merely trying to impress her.

Moreover he was also very powerful.

He would be a good addition to the family and Kitty would be more protected.

He planned to discuss it with Winston after dinner and seek out the male.

If they find him that is

" I've already thought of your names" Kitty squealed again breaking the chain of thoughts Eros had.

𝚃𝚁𝙸𝙿𝙿𝙴𝙳 𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙾 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙱𝙴𝙰𝚂𝚃𝚆𝙾𝚁𝙻𝙳 Where stories live. Discover now