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The winter season was here, the snakes had gone into hibernation two weeks back and the house was hauntingly pale with the witty remarks of Nehebakau and the sassy replies of Ophiuchus and Serpens. It was even duller without Eros and Draco putting up the most dramatic arguments know to the beastkind.

But it wasn't lonely, not at all. It wasn't quite either - not when Alice and Alpin happened to be at the same place.

Alpin, the great old beast would argue with a seven year old girl about how Kitty was his and the two other males who happened to live with them. And Alice would argue back about how the males were the first to approach kitty whereas Kity was the first one to approach Alice.

Shuu did not agree. He had just seen Kitty passing by Bai Qingqing's house and had thought she was different but, he was far too into Bai Qingqing to notice how good and beautiful Kitty had always had been. She had helped him, cried to save him and she didn't even know him. She helped a child, who wasn't even hers. Shuu wasn't blind, he saw how the littlest things her males did bought a big smile to her face.

It was a truly beautiful sight.

Her smile was coated with the sweetest fruit and her dual coloured eyes shone the world. It was like the ground was glittered with the first rays of the sun and her the sea bathing in the moonlight. Her lullaby was like nectar, she was the most beautiful female he had ever met, perhaps the only female who had successfully made him realise that what he felt for Bai Qingqing was nothing but an infatuation. It was the little things he noticed about Kitty that he never noticed about any female.

And maybe that's what the beast godd called love - because even without his life mark on her thumb. He would gladly give his life for her.

"You look like that again" Alice scrunched up her face in disgust while picking up some firewood

"I look like what?" Shuu asked amused

"Like you're contemplating the ways of life - life being Kitty"

"Con-what? Where do you even hear such words?"

"Kitty"  she stomped the little branch uder her foot making Shuu wonder what the poor branch had done.

The world was a winter wonderland, with the crisp sun glinting off of the snow-covered trees and covering the entire landscape in a gleaming white. The snow swirled through the air in a graceful dance, sparkling majestically in the light as it settled onto the ground in a blanket of glistening flakes.

"why don't you tell her, she'll understand"  Alice raised her hands for Shuu to pick her up

"That's the thing, she'll understand. It'll not touch her heart"

"You haven't even tried"

"Forget it, you are not even half my age. You wouldn't understand" Shuu sighed

"And yet you are talking to someone who isn't even half your age.......tsk"

No matter how beautiful the outside world looked, it was almost impossible to find any animal to hunt. So far, Winston had caught only two rabbits and he had been hunting since dawn.

He passed the other houses that too were sealed shut, protecting themselves from the winter air. His home on the other was protected by an igloo just like last time, only this time he knew who had done this.

Winston shifted into his man form, slowly opening the door when he was suddenly hit with the smell of sex in the air.

'so she finally took the fox' Winston walked into the room

There laid Kitty in Alpin's arms sleeping peacefully, Alpin's head was rested on top of hers. Even though they were covered with a blanket, Winston could still tell that Alpin's hands were all over his mate's body.

He was jealous, but he'll let the fox have her alone just this once - afterall both he and Eros had their first times with her alone.

He moved closer with a animal hide in his hand in order to wipe his mate's sweaty body but, just as he held the blanket - Alpin's hand grabbed his wrist

"Don't. I'm still knotted to her"

Winston had a very vague idea of what 'being knotted' meant so he decided to leave it.

"Where's your mark?" Winston crouched next to Kitty

"On her right Ribs......A sleeping white Fox with his head on his paws and nine tails"

A sleeping white Fox with his head on his paws and nine tails"

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Little Alice


Don't come after me for not adding the lemons. I realised I'm very bad in writing smut. I'd rather practice writing a few pieces.....maybe I'll include one in the future. With her 'mates'

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