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After the incident with Rosa's mates, Kitty was allowed to roam a little freely.

If Eros and Winston knew that it was Alpin who had messed with the males heads, Kitty doubted they'd even let her step outside the house.

It was much better if they believed she was the one who almost killed her males.

And she wouldn't be able to roam the forest as she is now.

The forest was much different than any of the forest's she had been on Earth.

These were much luscious and lively

Kitty, kept picking fruits and plants along the way and stored them the basket.

A little later, she heard the stomps of what she could make out, a relatively large group of animals.

She quickly climbed a tree and clutched her bow, posting it towards the approaching heard.

She saw a heard of animals who strongly reminded her of a Velociraptor.

That's when it struck her. That's a heard of colossals.

And a pretty big heard with ten colossals, running on their tiny feet.

She studied the creature in front of her.

"Their skin is quite thick so a arrow wouldn't pierce through it" she mumbled to herself repositioning her bow towards one of their eyes and shot two arrows at once, blinding the colossal.

The colossal who was blinded started screaming in agony and pounced upon the closet thing near it.

Which happened to be another colossal.

Tearing apart the flesh of we each other, the colossals dropped dead on the ground as Kitty watched the whole thing in fascination.

She shot two more arrows and watched the whole thing repeat itself for five times until they all were laying on a pool of their own blood.

Losing one of their vital sensed, the colossals were madden and went unstable, even killing each other.

Sliding down the tree Kitty was hiding on, she pulled her dagger out and walked up to the dead colossals.

Carefully piercing their flesh, she carefully collected the emeralds in a clean animal hide and hid them in her basket.

The way back to the village was very pleasant for a blood drenched Kitty. She attracted no wild animals because of the smell of the colossals and she might be the only female who has ever hunted an emerald.

Let alone ten.

She walked back to the village which was in chaos. Males running around the perimeters sniffing and occasionally howlin. Some females too looked scared of the situation.

Well until they laid their eyes upon me.

" I found the female! " One of the beast yelled

Kitty looked around the place in utter confusion.

" This search party is for me? "

" Yes" The distressed voice of Eros rang in her ears as she swiftly turned around

Everyone gasped at the bloodied appearance of the female and thought she was about to die.

" I am not dying, Gosh. You will find ten dead colossals inside the forest. This is their blood " she calmly said and walked to her mates 

The ape king, although shocked sent some beasts into the forest.

" Are you alright? " Winston asked

" I'm perfectly fine. I just killed those colossals and got their emeralds" she whispered the last bit

Eros wanted to say something but was interrupted by a group of shocked beastmen dragging ten colossals behind them.

Beats all around the city had mixed opinions about the situation. They were both impressed by the female's ability to hunt down ten colossals

And also terrified at the violence she sported.

Just like some males, the females Looked at her in disgust. And, they'd still never admit that they'd take Kitty as their mate if she were a male.

To add even more flavour to the already grave situation Eros burst out laughing.

Everyone looked at him as if he had gone senile.

  " I asked you to stay safe and you killed twn colossals? I'm proud of you" Eros praised patting Kitty's head, stopping midway between their hug" and you need a bath "

⋆ ┄┄┄✧┄┄┄ ⋆

" What's wrong with you? I told you to take slow. You just had your ankle healed, do want to never walk again? "  Alpin glared at guilty Kitty

His eyes softened a bit as he let Frost cover Kitty's swollen ankle once again.

" Not that I'm not proud of you, just take care of yourself " he sighed pulling her in for a hug.

Kitty packed his cheeks and went to her basket, pulling the emeralds out.

" Can the kids have it? " She asked Eros

" They can, it'll help them transform faster " he nodded

Kitty placed two emeralds in front of her each son, her eyes shining with a new glint

" Feel anything different? " She asked her snakes who shook their head

" It'll take some time Dove "

𝚃𝚁𝙸𝙿𝙿𝙴𝙳 𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙾 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙱𝙴𝙰𝚂𝚃𝚆𝙾𝚁𝙻𝙳 Where stories live. Discover now