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Kitty still confused was now sitting on the throne that dead ape king once used to sit in, living in the very castle that was built for ape rulers.

She stared at the crowd confused at the banquet that was taking place.

Her head hurt with all the noises she could hear

Moreover, she couldn't hear them before.

The banquet ended with all the beasts bowing before her and then leaving with their mates.

"Did they just come here, have free food. Party and go back drunk?" Kitty asked scandalised

"Seems so " Shuu replied, being the only one who was near Kitty.

The rest of her males went to explore the castle, see if any enemies laid there.

"Why did I glow?" She Curiously asked

"I don't know, but you smell different "


Shuu nodded  " you smell like a beast who has just earned a stripe"

Kitty's eyes twinkled as she hoped from the throne, twisting her head to look around everywhere

"Is there any on my neck?"

"No" Shuu shook his head

"Then how did I level up if I have no visible changes in my body?"

"We're not sure if you 'leveled up " Winston's voice echoed

" Hmm?"

" You do smell different, but we aren't sure why " Winston stroked her head

" Maybe you got some superpowers "

"Or elemental"



The snakes hissed

Kitty stood still thinking for a moment and then yelled at the top of her lungs


She waited for something to happen and then changed the way her hands were positioned


" AIR"


" This isn't Earth mom "

" Oh right "



She stood at the same place, blushing furiously as she watched her males trying hard not to burst out laughing

" Don't pay attention to them, maybe you have telekinesis or something " Neheb hissed wrapping his tail around his mother's ankle

Kitty nodded and closed her eyes trying to focus on the objects present around her.

" This is fucking bullshit"

She stomped her feet, turning to leave the hall.

"Don't go there, there are no torches lit in those areas! " Eros yelled but Kitty didn't pay attention

She walked mindlessly, turning at every hall and climbing the stairs until she reached a part that was open to reveal the night sky.

" Why did I glow? "  She asked the stars that were twinkling and got irritated. It was as if they too were mocking her.

She jumped out of the window that wasn't very high and sat on the ground, playing with the grass that had grown around.

She stroked the grass around her and the fireflies dashed out from under, scattering everywhere around her, lighting up the place that was once so dark

And that's when it hit her.

She walked along the halls but there were no torches lit, yet she saw everything clearly.

Grinning Kitty jumped back inside the castle and ran all her way back.

" I CAN SEE IN THE DARK!! YOOOOOHOOOO" she yelled as she ran across her mates, freaking the shit out of them.

" I thought it was a ghost " Eros gasped placing a hand over his chest

" Me too " Alpin nodded

" I can see in the dark " Kitty laughed standing in front of her males

" So we heard. "


The family went back to their home as they agreed with Kitty

" Staying at the place of the person I just killed feels so weird "

They were all gathered around the centre table with Alpin drawing a map on a piece of bark.

" This is Manas, where I was born and bought up " he said pointing to a small continent in the middle of Oceans Daylon and Melop, as he called them.

Alpin told them the his countrymen call this place Mular and that there are 6 continents in all.

Mular, were they were staying as on now

Manas, the land of the mysticals

Lunar, the land of the ferals

Polas and Solas, the lands of the polar civilization


Salenior, a land rumoured to be ruled by the only Phoenix alive

"If Manas is the land of Mysticals then why is a phoenix rumoured? Shouldn't they exist in your land? " Kitty Curiously looked at Alpin

" There were a lot of phoenixes according to my mother, they all disappeared "

" Your mother? " Winston perked up

" Unhun, oh. We should definitely travel to my home, my mother would love you " Alpin smiled at Kitty who smiled back

" Let's do that "

Reference to the map, ik it's not very well made but it works

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Reference to the map, ik it's not very well made but it works

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