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"I can't feel anything" Serpens hissed earning a nod from his brothers and Alice

The snakes and Alice were sitting near the river, with them poking Kitty's tummy or pushing each other to place their heads and try to feel something.

"Well ofcourse you can't. The little kit is only a month. It must be about the size of a single rice grain" Kitty chuckled

"That small? Wow......" Draco hissed

"Do you think we too were that small?" Ophiuchus asked

"Well, your eggs were the size of my palm" Kitty laughed in remembrance. Her snakes were so small, the size of her arm when she first saw them - she couldn't beleive they were the size of an adult cow now. The difference was so vast.

"Really?" Nehebakau asked shocked and Kitty nodded

"I wonder if I was that small" Alice said sadly. Kitty too got sad, this was a conversation she was supposed to have with her mother - Kitty didn't even know if females here were born the same as humans, they most likely were, but she couldn't be too sure.

"Well, my female was the size of water fruit" A female who was near Alice, with her lambs said nodding at Kitty who gave her a smile of relief

"That small?" Alice asked not believing what she just heard

"What's a water fruit?" Kitty whispered to her snakes

"A watermelon"

"Oh" so it's the same for females here.

"I'm Cora" the female introduced herself.  She had short, white hair and sparkling hazel eyes. She was small and chubby, with a round face and rosy cheeks. She was adorable, and Kitty wanted to squeeze her cheeks. She had a sweet and endearing smile, and the freckles that danced across her cheeks and arms gave her a wholesome charm. She was a tiny bit of sunshine. Her little fluffy lambs were circling her legs occasionally peeking from behind her.

"I'm Kity" She smiled widely

"Are you coming to the market?" Cora sat down next to Kitty

"There's a market?"

"Oh yes, every full moon we hold a market. There's a lots of things you can buy" she said excitedly

"How do I buy?"

"Hmm.......A white crystal will get you two handfuls of wool, a handful of rice, one and a quarter handful of wheat and seeds. A red crystal will get you atleast two fruits of each kind and a blue crystal will get you something to wear, like my necklace and some medicines, a yellow or emerald will get you Salt" she showed her black beaded necklace with a horn carved with intricate designs.

"I see" Kitty nodded. She remembered nothing she just heard, she'll just have to ask her husbands again

"So are you coming?"



"Those lambs look quite juicy, don't they?"

"I wonder how they'd taste roasted"

"With a bit of pepper and lime"

"They just looked at Alice for a millisecond"


"How are we from the same clutch"

"That's what we wonder as well"

"Stuck up prat"

"I'm not!"


The bustling market was alive with activity, the air filled with a mix of the smell of smoke, roasting meats, and various herbs. Stalls were set up all over the village square, and vendors shouted out their goods trying to attract customers. There were many stalls selling vegetables, fruits, and various grains for staples of the diet. There were also stalls selling decorative items made from bones and horns, along with stalls selling sheep wool.

Kitty and her mates were walking amongst all the other visitors occassionally buying food and other stuffs. Winston and Eros were walking with both their hands with baskets filled to the brim.

Harvey had decided to accompany them as he needed some medicines. Him and Alpin were talking and discussing about things Kitty didn't understand. She was more interested looking towards the middle of the busy market had been cleared out, making space for a large, crackling bonfire. It cast a warm glow that filled the air with warmth and brightness, and the dazzling light it produced set the sky on fire. The people in the area had gathered around the bonfire, singing, dancing, laughing, and swaying along to the music of the evening.

Cora found Kitty's eyes and waved at the females pointing at the empty space beside her. She was surrounded by fours males, two of whom Kitty could easily recognise as Sheeps and one of the leopards who had come with them. The last one, she wasn't so sure.

"I see you've made it" Cora laughed merrily

"How couldn't have I? It's so festive"

"These are my mates. Claude and Miguel, they are sheeps. Oliver is a leopard and Mangus is a deer" She introduced her males and Kitty take a double take at the last male. So herbivores males were a thing, she wouldn't have known considering she had only seen carnivores around

When Kitty introduced her own mates, all of them had to double take so, confirming they hadn't heard her wrong. Did she not realise that she introduced Shuu as her mate or did she not want him to feel felt out. They wouldn't ask her now anyway. Her mates didn't care as long as she was happy.

Shuu on the other hand was shaking. How the hell was he supposed to feel? Was she going to take him as her mate? Was she joking? Did she forget he's not her mate with how long he had been living at her house, he was fine with being called her mate, even though he was sure he wouldn't be one - atleast not anytime soon.

Soon the two females say down to talk and forgot about the males that were sitting around them. Kitty felt wonderful.

How could she not? The rituals, the festivals, everything she had read in her history textbooks was happening right in front of her eyes. She was a part of the history that would be read by many aspiring historians and archealogists when they grow up.

She was witnessing a settlement, she was witnessing the birth of new ideas, she was witnessing customs and rituals. She was witnessing things she whished to be a part of as a child.

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