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Katherine had always prided herself on being brave and level-headed, never one to back down from a challenge or cower in the face of danger. But as she sat alone in the dark, damp cave, fear gripped her like never before. This was a kind of fear she had never experienced before - a paralyzing terror that she knew would inevitably lead to her death.

She knelt beside Qingqing, dabbing her forehead with a wet cloth, that warmed up in a matter of a few minutes.

She sent a prayer to every god she could remember (which were quite a few) but perhaps, she should have prayed to the fates first because not a minute later, the huge boulder that blocked the entrance of the cave moved.

Kitty's breath caught in her throat and she steeled her eyes trying not to show any vulnerability.

She had learned this the first night he'd taken her away.

That beast did not like defiance

"Food" he said in a brooding voice and dropped a few fruits in front of her

"Thank you" Kitty mumbled nimbly and bent to pick up the fruits.

Holding back a flinch, Kitty looked into his black eyes. They had no pupils - just two hallows of black. Yet, she could feel the shift in his emotions as he held her face more firmly. "It's my duty female"

And then his eyes steeled again.

She didn't know, how she knew that was going on with the beast.

But she knew

And she was glad she did.

"Eat if you wish to. I will not go hunting anymore today" he glared at kitty who simply nodded and went back to Qingqing.

She unconsciously gripped her wrists, wincing when the raw flesh made contact with her dirty fingers.

He stayed there, watching Katherine, and not saying anything.  His black eyes seemed to pierce through her, and she could see no emotion in them at all.  He was like a statue--a statue of a heartless, cruel monster.  The beast watched her quietly for what felt like an eternity, and then he left again.

Kitty ate a few pieces of what tasted like an orange. She held back a sob and tried not to think about her family.

Where they looking for her? Why weren't they here yet? Did they forget her?


Kitty smashed the leftover oranges under a rock, trying to extract as much juice as she could.

She watched Qingqing, She could hear her breathing softly.  Her eyes were clouded with dust and her lips were cracked and dry.  Everything had changed so quickly, and now they were completely at the whim of the beast.

She held the rock bowl on Qingqing's lips, forcing her to drink half of it before giving up. She couldn't literally force her. Qingqing would choke and die. And that was the last thing Kitty wanted

It might have been an hour or hours before he came back. Kitty rarely saw his beast form, but when she did, she always felt like crying. Her wrist began to burn like he had just given her the scar.

He came closer until he was only a foot away from her.

"Mitchell" Kitty acknowledged him

"We leave at dawn, tomorrow" his eyes settled on Qingqing's lump body "get her fixed"

Kitty felt like bashing his head on the nearest rock and plunge his guts. She did have her dagger - what was stopping her


Mitchell took her silence as yes and gave her a boyish smile, tracing his fingers along her face and chin.

"This is why I like you" His voice turned awfully soft and Kitty caught his necklace glint. "Unlike her" He gave Qingqing a sour look "she screams too much"

"I'm honoured" Kitty smiled back, sliding her fingers through his dark, long hair.

I shall dance on your heart, burn your blood and make weapons of your bones.

"Two Weeks. It's been two weeks and you tell me you still haven't found her?" Curtis' hiss echoed in the house.

After the fifth time. Eros had stopped Curtis from barging in the house and breaking the door on the way.

"If you're such a good tracker, why are you still here?" Seperns hissed at him.

He was distraught

They all were

But Alice, even more than them

She had refused to eat, sleep, come out of the house.

The snakelings had tried to drag her out by her feet but she scratched them on their faces.

Never again.

"Winston is still out there. Trying to track them down" Alpin snapped "If you want things done faster - help us. Stop damaging the village as a way to let your anger out. We haven't stopped you, why haven't you left?" The room turned a icy mist and Eros had to push Alpin down before the male ripped Curtis apart.

Curtis' glare hardened "I have tried every crack in rocks and every hallows in caves and yet I couldn't find her. I only come to you because you are three - as much as I may have to lower my pride"

Eros turned a pitying eye towards Curtis. What had the situation come to? He was being the rational and keeping the anchor.

"Please. Come back, Dove. I suck at keeping these beasts together - I miss you"


Miss me? I missed myself too. I had exams btw. It went shit. But hey! At least I'm a senior now. (And my last year in high school. Hurrayy!)

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