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"Bai Qingqing?" Kitty was shocked and it wasn't the good kinda shocked.

While she was glad to see the other girl all alive and walking, she wasn't really glad to see her again. It might have been funny if she were to say this back on Earth but Kitty didn't get good vibes from Qingqing, it was like her gut was telling her to stay away from the girl if she wanted a peaceful life.

And simply not just her gut. Even her head supported her gut, which didn't really happen often.

Kitty acknowledged the trouble the young girl must be facing to adapt in this unfamiliar world without any knowledge but she also thought that Qingqing was extremely foolish - or she must be ignorant about her actual situation.

Kitty had tried to look past her actions many times giving her brain the excuse of the girl being a teenager. But, wasn't Kitty herself a teenager when she was thrown into this world? She could barely be called an adult. But she had been here for more than two years. She had learned to accept the culture difference and while she her knowledge too wasn't really on par with the dangers here - curtsey of her mates who have been adamant on spoiling her, knew could easily imagine the troubles she would face without them.

But she will look past her judgement. For now

The girl now a woman looked absolutely terrible. Kitty wondered what happened to her. She turned her gaze towards the three fluffs that were trying to chew her linings of skirt and snorted loudly.

"It's been so long" Qingqing smiled. She couldn't express how relieved she was to see Katherine. She would be the only one who would understand her in here.

While Qingqing loved Crutis and Parker, she couldn't talk to them about things she could with Katherine, mainly her being human.

"Yes it has" Katherine smiled back and Qingqing felt all her worries melt. She couldn't wait to talk to Katherine about everything that had happened. She also wanted to tell Katherine about how she had been right not to take any new mates. She gave her heart to Muir and he only broke it. How dare he try and kill Crutis.

The thought itself made her shake with anger.

"Yours?" Katherine pointed towards the three leopards cubs who were now chasing after what looked like a scarier version of a butterfly

"Yes.....cubs stop chasing after it, you'll fall inside the river" Qingqing huffed

The three fluffballs gave soft roars and trotted towards the duo. The smallest of the three seemed to have no sense of harm and ran after Eros' tail, pouncing on it with all it's might only to fall first first when Eros' slid his tail away from the little devil.

"Third, no" Qingqing said alarmed

"It's fine. They look like they're having fun" Katherine snickered at the constipated look on Eros who was continuously dodging the three leopards.

"Oh no. Cubs come here......Sorry.....Cubs"  Qingqing said sternly and the cubs ran towards Katherine sniffing her and rubbing their little heads on her leg

Kitty scratched them behind their ears and enjoyed their little purrs.They were so fucking cute. Should she just cubnap them? Would Qingqing mind? How are their paws so small and squishy. Oh, their bellies are squishy too.

"There're adorable" Katherine said with a big smile

"They are also very naughty"

"They're kids afterall" Kitty shrugged "so...what are you doing here?"

"It's a long story" Qingqing sighed

"Sure. I've got time" And she was extremely bored, but she didn't say that

They both walked towards the pond and parker laid down a fur for Qingqing to lay her butt on and Eros simply coiled his tail for Kitty to sit more comfortably. While the two ladies gossiped, Parker kept his cubs occupied and Eros threw stones at the snakes who were trying to dodge it.

Every time one hit any of them, the others chased after him until they either caught him or he successfully evaded the other three and the game continued.

It reminded Kitty of lock and key but beastworld edition.

Kitty dipped her feet in the river, sighing at the cool temperature. Shame she was forbidden to swim.

"You must know about the beast city"  Kitty nodded

"Muir flew me to a very far away place. He tried to take me away from and Crutis"

Cue Parker's growl

"He tried to even kill Crutis and keep me away from Parker in the peacock village. He didn't let me see him even after I gave birth to the leopards" Qingqing sniffed angrily

Kitty wondered why she said she had a lot of time. This is fucking boring

"And then I was abducted by the mermaid tribe"

This caught Kitty's attention. There are mermaids here? Well that shouldn't be surprising since Alpin is a mythical creature as well. But...... wouldn't Mermaids be like..... extremely hot?

"Their only female is missing and one of the males thought I was her. He dragged me down so he could mate with me. But he eventually helped me to escape as well and then we came here" Qingqing finished

Kitty didn't find the Mermaids desirable any longer. Those fuckers were a result of inbreeding, they sure as hell would be losing some wires in their heads. And only female? Wouldn't that mean she mated with her brothers and children?

No Kitty, good thoughts. Don't barf

"That's really.... awful" Kitty finally said

"Yes. But, Bluepool helped me"

And as if on cue, a blue tail emerged from the pond scaring the shit out of Kitty. The tail eventually was one with the water and a guy, a droolworthy guy peeked from the pond

"Bai Qingqing. You have at last come to see me" the guy grinned swimming towards them

Bluepool was resting under, when he heard Qingqing call his name. He was extremely giddy, to think that she was calling him - he was in luck.

But, Bluepool could only describe this situation with one word


The female sitting beside Bai Qingqing was simply stunning. He thought Qingqing was the prettiest female he had seen but this female was proving him wrong. While Qingqing had a petite look that made her look harmless and made him want to protect her.

This female looked tough, like a rebel.

Qingqing who was silently watching the interaction let out a sly smile that she immediately covered.

She finally found Bluepool a female. He should leave her alone now.

𝚃𝚁𝙸𝙿𝙿𝙴𝙳 𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙾 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙱𝙴𝙰𝚂𝚃𝚆𝙾𝚁𝙻𝙳 Where stories live. Discover now