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Kitty, Eros and Winston were on a family outing when they heard wails from a familiar leopard.

They turned to where the wails and screams came from and saw Parker being outnumbered by Rosa's mates and getting a gash on his back.

Parker tried to run away from the unwanted crowd but was struck with a horrible concussion and felt himself faint.

The last thing he saw was the faint outline of Winston.

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" You should go help him. Maybe he'll stop sprouting shit if he's indebted to us "  Kitty stroked Winston's fur who nooded before dashing out.

Rosa's males fleed when they sensed Winston.

Kitty and Eros followed him soon after, with Parker on Winston's back.

" I can already feel the headache" Eros sighed picking up Kitty.

Kitty knocked on Qingqing's door and cringed when she heard her cheery voice.

Qingqing who was Kitty's solemn face stared at her in confusion until her eyes drifted to the motionless figure on Winston's back.

" What happened to him?! " She cried running to check Parker.

" He was attacked by Rosa's mates " Kitty replied placing a hand on her shoulder.

" He-he won't die right? Katherine you have to do something, please do something " She clutched onto Kitty.

" bro I'm a humanities student, I know shit about medicine. Let's get him inside first "

Parker was soon shifted from Winston's back to a pile of hay covered with animal first.

Qingqing came running in with lukewarm water and started cleaning his wounds, even though Crutis told her it was not necessary for males.

" We need to get a doctor " Qingqing anxiously said

" The Doctors are all part of the Ape clan. They won't willingly heal males. Also.....Rosa's been close with the ape clan lately. With her word, no doctors will come to heal him " Winston told her.

Qingqing stared at the still figure of Parker and was filled with dread.

Why did Rosa hate her so much? Was it all because Parker wanted to mate with her? That's disgusting

" Right! There is a doctor in the Camel Valley " she suddenly got up and went towards Crutis

" Camel Valley? "  Kitty tilted her head in question

" Yes, I stayed there for sometime "

After a few minutes of Qingqing embarrassing herself and getting ready, the duo were about to head to Camel Valley, leaving Parker and her house under Kitty's care.

" Thank you Katherine! Please take care of Parker for us. "

" I will " Kitty smiled and waved her goodbye

When she was sure Qingqing was gone, Kitty turned to males and laughed

"Did she really just leave her house in under my eyes? What if I steal something"

"It's called trust Kitty, it's good to have allies. Even if you want to kill them. " Eros said glaring daggers at Parker

The trio waited in Qingqing's house, being bored, Kitty started styling Winston's hair because Eros smacked her hand away.

𝚃𝚁𝙸𝙿𝙿𝙴𝙳 𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙾 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙱𝙴𝙰𝚂𝚃𝚆𝙾𝚁𝙻𝙳 Where stories live. Discover now