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Just As Kitty And Winston were about to walk away, Bai Qingqing held Kitty's arm dragging her to were she was sitting.

Qingqing had a lot of questions for Kitty and no way was she about to let her go when she didn't even know were she lived in this huge city.

Kitty's first instinct was to bodyslam Qingqing as she held her arm without consent, it took her a minute to calm her nerves as she glared at the older or younger girl.

" Do not hold my arms without consent, i was this close to hurt you " she showed her fingers that were barely apart.

Qingqing nodded with a primal instinct for her safety and locked her fingers with Kitty.

Crutis who noticed Qingqing first hissed at the presence of another male beside her. He didn't even look at the female whose fingers were interviewed with Qingqing's until she was right in front of him.

" This is my mate Crutis " Qingqing introduced

Kitty looked at her males who looked at her suspiciously, she also noted that the leopard was not her mate which would mean he was courting her

" We should get Eros " Kitty told Winston

" No need " Eros said announcing his presence and pulling Kitty into his arms.

Kitty gave him a big smile and a peck on his cheek before introducing her males

" This is Eros, my mate and this is Winston, whom I'm courting"

" You are courting him? " Parker rudely interrupted earning an irritated gaze from Kitty

" Yes, he has no problem. Do you? " She questioned back

Parker shook his head before looking at Eros with disgust " why did you take a feral as your mate "

Eros who had been quite this whole time was suppressing his urge to rip the leopard into shreds.

Crutis who noticed the shift in the air around the snake wanted him to rip Parker into shreds. He couldn't bear the obnoxious and annoying leopard and he'd have Bai Qingqing all for himself

" Don't kill him, he's the leopard prince " Winston whispered to Eros keeping a hand on his shoulder

" I know, that's why he's still alive " Eros patted Winston's hand

" Qingqing, why do you have a feral as a mate " Kitty redirected the question to her as she watched Parker's face turn into anger with satisfaction

" I- uh, I'll tell you later" she strutted out and to her luck and beastman with something on a big leaf came

" For Bai Qingqing" he said placing the meat in the ground

Kitty watched as Parker told her that pork was the food of royalty and how his mother loved to eat it.

" Would you like some Katherine? " Qingqing offered

" Don't ask her Qingqing, Pork is not for worthless people like her " Parker spoke over her

" I don't eat pork " Kitty politely declined as if she never heard Parker's insult.

It's true that she didn't eat Pork but even if she did, she wouldn't take it if someone so rudely commented on her.

She really wanted to slit his throat with her knife for the blatant disrespect he had shown her, but everything she did here would be judged my many other beasts and females who would have wanted Parker as a mate and would not even think before blaming her for everything.

In a world where the primal needs and instincts are food, water, shelter and procreation. She was like an advanced being who had to carefully think through her moves. Because one wrong move and she could have her heart ripped out of body.

And also because, her parents had spent aot of time to shape her into the person she is today. Respect and manners are something that naturally comes to her.

Kitty waved at Qingqing to get her attention.

" I'll be leaving now, i feel a little nauseous" she lied as she asked Eros to pick her up and make it look more realistic.

After being out of the hearing range of any beasts in the banquet, Kitty let out a breath of sigh.

" Tell me and he'll be gone next day " Eros hissed, his olive eyes turning a few shades darker like the darkest nights of the year tinted with the stars of malicious intent.

" It alright, leave him be " She whispered

Reaching their home, Eros let her down on the pile of fur that he had set up as bed.

" Winston there's something you need to know"

𝚃𝚁𝙸𝙿𝙿𝙴𝙳 𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙾 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙱𝙴𝙰𝚂𝚃𝚆𝙾𝚁𝙻𝙳 Where stories live. Discover now