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Three months in the sheep village and everyone from the leopard tribe had very well understood that they have already stayed past their welcome. Those subtle sings of them purposely avoiding the guests, hampering with the resources, setting restrictions on their boundaries. It was very obvious - if they thought they weren't.

Some beasts had already left to find new places to stay, after the news of the beast city being totally destroyed, others weren't so keen on living near the beast city at all.

Kitty simply didn't care, she wasn't ignored like other beasts, mostly because she was pregnant. But still, she wanted to leave - preferably somewhere with a tropical climate. The sheep village was too dry for her, her skin had gotten itchy and flakey.

Kitty watched fascinatied as she carefully tied a strand of wool to the whorl of the spindle and began to quickly spin the spindle with her hand. As she turned the spindle, the wool tightened around the whorl, creating a loop of yarn. She continued this motion, producing more yarn with each pass. The makeshift drop spindle, she had made Shuu, Eros and Winston make, allowed her to create a ball of yarn without the use of any metal tools, a testament to its effectiveness.

She had simply suggested how a drop spindle would be great to make yarn balls and then knit them to make sweaters, she didn't really expect them to make one just by asking her how it looks and works.

Eros, Shuu and Winston were determined to create a makeshift drop spindle despite their lack of resources. She couldn't exactly stop them when they looked so adorable trying to figure out how it'd all work together. Eros and Shuu constructed the body of the spindle using wood, leaves, vines and stones, while Winston fashioned the whorl out of clay. They had Kitty draw several parts on the ground, detailing them while even drawing new ideas on the ground alongside Kitty's.

Shuu was the most creative, he had an eye on exactly how to substitute materials and bring it to their best use.

"What do you want to eat?" Eros asked her, slightly massaging her shoulders

"Anything but meat. Meat makes me want to puke" Kitty relaxed her shoulders leaning against the chair.

"Hmm, Cora's male said she'd come by - I believe he also mentioned she was bringing a female with her"

"I see" Kitty hummed "where's Alice and my babies?"

"Out with the tiger. Probably swimming"

"I want to swim too"

"No" Eros denied "not after what happened last time" he frowned

After a long day of working in the vegetable garden, Kitty had decided to take a well-deserved dip in the nearby river. She was now in her fourth month of pregnancy, and the larger belly had caused her balance to shift slightly as she walked to the water. She felt a touch of nausea as she climbed down to the river bank, but took a deep breath and shook it off. As she waded into the water, she felt the current tug at her legs and knew she had to fight against it more than usual. As the current got stronger, she grew tired and knew she couldn't keep fighting it on her own. Luckily, Eros was nearby and realized what was happening. He quickly rushed to her side and pulled her out of the river, helping her to safely reach the shore. Kitty was exhausted and out of breath due to the extra exertion and she felt her heart pounding in her chest, but she was thankful to be out of the river. Eros helped her to dry off and then gave her a comforting hug.

"I know" Kitty sighed. She herself didn't want to experience anything as such again.

After sometime, Alice - all dripping water on the floor alongside four wet snakes rushed into the house, running for towels and behind them came an equally wet Winston.

He shook his fur outside, before coming in the house and shifted, wrapping a fur around his waist and using one to dry is hair.

By now, Eros had already prepared the dinner and was already setting it on the table.

"Wash your hands you little midgets" he yelled at the children

"We just took a bath, you great old man" Ophiuchus argued

"Why, you"

"Wash your hands Alice - Eros the snakes don't even have hands" Kitty sighed

"I know that. I was being responsible"

"You're being stupid" Nehebakau hissed

"I agree" Kitty nodded

"Why do you all always come after me" Eros whined

"Because you are stupid" Winston snorted

"I'm not"

"You are"





"Hah!" Winston proudly leaned back

"You tricked me"

"Which proves you're stupid"

"Stop it guys" Kitty gave a small smile "Anyways. You must have noticed the difference in behaviour"

She continued when the others nodded

"I was thinking, why don't we leave the village"

"No" came a third voice from the door.

Everyone turned around to see, Alpin and Shuu walk in. They were holding baskets of fruits and vegetables.

"You're pregnant" said Alpin

"I'm aware"

"It's dangerous"

"The date is due long"

"It's not about when you will deliver. We would be traveling in the forest, Kitty. You wouldn't get the nutrients you need, you might get motion sickness, you might even discover an allergy you don't know of."  Alpin placed the baskets on the ground

"You're being paranoid"

"You're being ignorant" Shuu replied

"You're both being stupid" Kitty snapped. "You're arguing over nothing."

"We're not arguing over nothing," Shuu said, "we're arguing about your wellbeing."

"I'm not a child." Kitty shot back. "I know how to take care of myself."

"Then you should have no problem in listening to us." Alpin said. "Shuu is right. You're being ignorant if you think that traveling in the forest while pregnant is safe."

"Stop treating me like I'm fragile!" Kitty said. "I hate being babied like this."

"Well, I'm sorry for caring about your health!" Shuu yelled. "If you're so set on proving how 'strong' you are, maybe we should just stop caring all together."

"Shuu!" Alpin chimed in.

"No." Shuu continued. "We're trying to look out for you because we love you, Kitty." he said. "And it's not healthy for you or the baby to be so careless."

"Shuu's right, Kitty." Eros added. "We do love you and you have to listen to us."

Kitty stayed silent. She couldn't admit that she was wrong, but deep down, she knew her mates had a point. She was being stubborn and reckless, and she was putting herself and her baby at risk by wanting to travel through the dangerous forest. As she looked at her friends' concerned expressions, she couldn't help but feel horrible and her hormones took over, causing her to break down crying. "I'm sorry," she exclaimed through her tears, "I don't know what came over me, I..."

Everyone was taken aback by Kitty's sudden breakdown. They knew she was pregnant and that her hormones were causing more of her usual emotions, but this was different. She had never acted out so aggressively before. Eros and Winston rushed to her side and comforted her, both hugging and holding her close to calm her down. Alpin watched solemnly, feeling bad that he was so harsh on her. Kitty cried into their chests, feeling ashamed and embarrassed. She hadn't meant to hurt their feelings and she couldn't believe that hormones were making her so unpredictable.

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