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" Winston, there's something you need to know"

The nerves hit Kitty hard, she wondered what would be Winston's reaction to her being human. She didn't know why was she so nervous telling Winston when she just blabbed it in front of Eros.

" I'm a human "

Winston stared at Kitty in confusion. What was a human? Was it something like a disease? Was Kitty destined to die?

" What's a human? " He asked, trying to keep his nervousness at bay. It might not be a disease at all. Kitty might not die.

" I'm not an Ape, I'm a human. I'm also from very far, where there are no beasts. " She started

" I figured that out. That you are not an Ape " Winston nodded

Kitty looked at him dumbfounded, was it really that easy to find out that she wasn't an Ape. She didn't think she was that bad at pretending.

Seemingly having read her thoughts Winston spoke " you smell different than females here, even your body is build smaller than females here and if you were from here, you would have needed thick skin to survive winters. Your skin is thinner even in comparison to the females"

" Oh, so that's how "

" Yes you're right, and now for the most important part. I have my periods - i mean my estrous every month so it's like I can get pregnant anytime throughout the year. "

Winston looked at Kitty in all seriousness, the lax behaviour he had just taken was gone. " You cannot let anyone know that except us "

" That's exactly what I told her. Can you believe her, how casually she told me sh e was a human "  Eros scoffed

" That was very irresponsible Kitty "

" In my defence, I was just dropped into another world without prior notice or a contract of agreement " Kitty huffed crossing her arms over her chest.

" How exactly did you come here? "

" How did you both meet? "

Eros and Winston simultaneously asked

" Well, I was just going to school and dropped on top of a tree, then I met Eros after a day when I was hunting. Let me tell I was starving after being hungry for an entire day. I thought Eros was some kidnapper or shit and slammed in on a tree alomst sliting his throat"

" So you don't know? "

" You almost killed a tetra marked beast? "

They both again simultaneously said

Eros hearing the last comment looked like he wanted to correct Winston on the number of his stripes but kept quite.

Winston on the other hand totally believed that Kitty could kill someone. With how brash she is sometimes he was shocked when she let Parker go.

𝚃𝚁𝙸𝙿𝙿𝙴𝙳 𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙾 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙱𝙴𝙰𝚂𝚃𝚆𝙾𝚁𝙻𝙳 Where stories live. Discover now