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The snakes were very happy that they could now converse in human speech and no longer had to hiss every word. Although, they still did hiss in front of Winston or Alpin just to vex them.

Serpens, Draco and Ophi spent the rest of the afternoon talking to Alice who looked very happy to be involved in a conversation.

Meanwhile, The adults were gathered outside thinking about what to do with the girl. It was obvious that she wasn't treated well in her house. If Kitty had to guess, she would say that Alice's mother wasn't really old herself and that Alice might be her first child.

" we can't let her go back " Kitty pressed

" Her mother and mates might declare a feud. Females are precious - as you already know. If that child is the only female in her family, bar her mother. The entire village could very well be turned against us " Winston said

"And not to mention she's a sheep female. The sheep clan is said to be very vengeful. I've seen some of them tearing flesh with their horns, Free food for me" Eros lazily added

" But what about her health? She's clearly not taken care of " Alpin frowned "Even if I give her medicines, she'll take atleast a whole summer to get to a ideal weight "

" And she was crying " Shuu softly said and Kitty nodded along

" We could ask her opinion, who is her family to go against the ape queen " Kitty leaned against Winston seeking warmth

" Isn't that misusing your position? " Eros grinned at Kitty

" Technically I'm doing this for good purposes "

Nehebakau who had drowned himself in the lake did not expect to sneak into his parent's conversation.

There was a girl? Abused? Sounds like some beasts are asking for death

He slithered inside hoping to find a girl who would only be dirty or perhaps with poor hygiene, but he was honestly worried when he found a girl, a girl even smaller than him.

She reminded Nehebakau of a mouse

She had a small frame shrouded in frayed and worn-out clothes. Her grey hair was unkempt and tangled, and she carried a haunting expression in her fiery orange eyes as they flickered like dying embers beneath a night sky. Her appearance betrayed the harshness of her conditions, the gaunt shadows under her eyes hinting at the relentless toll of  neglect. Yet, amid the desolation, there remained a spark of vitality and resilience, her pretty smile an irrefutable reminder of the enduring brightness of her spirit.

He was furious for reasons he couldn't comprehend. Weren't females supposed to be treasured and treated as goddesses, descended to the mortal world? This was absolutely fallacious

" Hey! That's our brother we told you about. A bit loopy but he's nice " Serpens cackled

" Hi! " The little girl enthusiastically waved at him and Nehebakau felt a pang on his heart. How was she smiling so happily?

Draco and Ophi noticed their brother's expression and went to him. It was quite obvious actually, Serpens too would have noticed if he wasn't busy oogling at Alice.

"Who is that? "

"Alice, mum found her in the forest" Ophi glumly replied

" Serpens is trying to make her laugh. Mum said she was crying when she found her " Draco added

And that was the first time Nehebakau ever released his beast aura. He didn't know what he did ofcourse but the entire house felt suffocated.

A sense of unease and tension filled the air of Kitty's house. There was an uncomfortable, almost surreal feeling in the atmosphere, as if the world was out of its normal rhythm. Everyone seemed to be moving in slow motion, and they all felt stiff and restricted, as if they were trapped in a bubble or a dream. No one quite understood what was going on, and everyone felt a sense of fear and anticipation. The tension and unease continued to grow, and everyone was desperate to find out the cause and escape this strange atmosphere.

" what's going on? " Shuu asked, not being able to move his legs

Kitty and Eros dashed inside. Eros knew exactly what this was and somehow kitty did too. She knew exactly who it was, perhaps it was a mother's instincts but she ran towards Nehebakau, bringing him in her arms.

As Nehebakau's cold skin touched his mother's warm one, He felt his mother's warmth and comfort penetrating the fog of anxiety and panic that had clouded his senses, and he slowly began to process what had just transpired. His anxious thoughts gradually dissipated and he allowed himself to breathe and take in the safety of his mother's protection. His body became limp and still as he nuzzled closer to her. He began to let go of the angry feeling around him and embrace the softness of his mother's embrace, feeling a sense of relief and peace as he let out a long, calming sigh.

" Sorry "

" don't be " Eros replied sounding rather proud of his accomplishment

" but....."

"Shush, relax " Kitty kissed his forehead


Is it weird I ship them? Btw, if you think it's weird then I'll just say that the snakes have memories of all of their ancestors including Kitty so they're young only in age. Mentally they're quite old. And it's not like Alice is very old herself. She's in a similar age group.

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