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A particular unusual sight was what the residents of Camel Hump Valley tripped across when they went past their healers hut.

The new fox male who also happened to be a healer, Alpin and Harvey were seated on the front porch talking as if they have know each other since they were cubs.

Alpin was enthusiastically explaining about the various medicines he had created and various uses of the commonly found herbs. He waved his hands as he talked.

Harvey on the other hand was really impressed by the knowledge the male held, he thought Alpin would be intimidating and would toss him to the other side of the village right when they crossed paths. But, he was genuinely shocked by how easy going the male was.

" Kitty wants to travel the world before settling down, think about all the knowledge I'd gather " Alpin's eyes twinkled at the thought

This truly intrigued Harvey - the thought of learning many different ways of medicine and healing as one travelled through the world. It sounded fulfilling, but Harvey had to throw the thought out of the window just as fast he got it. He couldn't possibly leave the village where there was no other healer, he wouldn't be able to forgive himself if something were to happen to others because of his selfish decisions.

" You should come with us and... " Alpin stopped talking as he noticed the distant look in Harvey's face, had he said anything offensive?

" You alright? "

" Oh? Oh- yes " Harvey Chuckled nervously

" As I was saying, maybe you could come with us "

" I do not think that is possible " Harvey replied glumly " the village has no other healer "

Alpin nodded in understanding, he knew the feeling of not being there for others when needed. It's suffocating. But, he also knew that - sometimes, selfish decisions are just better for yourself

And then it clicked him

" Why don't we take in an apprentice? He could help us, learn from us and then we are ready to leave, he could very well take your place " 

" That would be wonderful " Harvey smiled in appreciation. Maybe he wouldn't have to sacrifice his dreams afterall.


Kitty had just finished filling her three  baskets with fruits and vegetables and was walking back home with an awstruck Shuu when she heard faint whimpers behind the bushes.

Shuu eyed the female as she started to walk towards the bushes and pulled her back to him, her head colliding to his chest.

" Sorry but, it could be a trap " he said seriously and slowly walked towards the source of the whimpers.

Kitty stiffened when Shuu suddenly stopped and picked up a small rock just in case someone was going back with a busted head.

" Is everything ok? "

" There's a female crying" Shuu uncomfortably pointed behind the bushes and came back beside Kitty.

Frowning at the news conveyed, she softly trudged towards the bushes when a foul smell of piss and meat entered her nostrils.

Resisting the urge to cover her nose, Kitty peaked at the female sitting behind the bushes.

She seemed to be young, younger than Qingqing. She looked around ten or twelve, with grey hair and a healthy tanned skin.

" Are you alright? " Kitty asked, her motherly instincts kicking in.

The gray haired girl slowly looked up and her orange eyes clashed with Kitty's dual ones.

" Go away "  she crossed wipping her tears from the back of her palm

" Oh sweetie, I just - "

" You too have come to tell me how ugly I am, have you not? Just go away "

Kitty stalled her movements and simply stared at the young girl in front of her. Who would dare call her ugly, if not for her matted hair and unwashed face - she was certainly beautiful.

" I'm not here to call you ugly or laugh at you " Kitty softened her voice

" Then why are you here " the girl sniffed

" I wasn't here really. I was going back home when I heard you cry "

" Oh " the girl buried her face between her arms in embarrassment.

Kitty Chuckled and moved closer to the girl patting her head as she sat down beside her

" How are so pretty " the girl glanced up at Kitty

" Hygiene" Kitty clicked her tongue and stretched her hand for the girl to take as she stood up

" Let's have you take a bath and clean your hair, I'll see who calls you ugly after that "

𝚃𝚁𝙸𝙿𝙿𝙴𝙳 𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙾 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙱𝙴𝙰𝚂𝚃𝚆𝙾𝚁𝙻𝙳 Where stories live. Discover now