Prologue + Cast

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The bright red fire truck with Pinehave Fire Department written largely on the side drives into its spot in the firehouse. "I still do not understand why kids think it's cool to set an empty field on fire," Ava says, jumping out of the truck with Kayla following right after. "Because they think it's funny to have us run out there before the flames reach the woods," Kayla explains, a small smile appeared as she starts to take off her jacket.

"Why hasn't your mom put a stop to it then? Isn't it illegal or something?" Elijah asks, coming around the truck with his jacket and helmet already off and ready to be put up. "It's not Siobhan's fault! It's the parents, they always find a way to get their kids out of trouble. Even if they murdered someone they'd make it look like they were on the other side of the state instead of being covered in blood."

"Are you three gossiping again or actually doing the paperwork you need to get to me?" Owen's deep voice sounds through the firehouse, "Sorry chief, we'll get right on it." Elijah calls out, his voice a little nervous. The pure thought of seeing the chief angry at them, for what would probably be the millionth time, scares him.

"Seriously, Eli? I thought we were gonna go out for drinks. It's Kay's last night in town and we gotta live it up!" This catches the blonde's attention, "Um, I don't think living it up is a good idea for my last night. My flight is at eight but I have to leave the house at like 5 to make sure I get to the airport in plenty of time." Ava groans while Elijah nods happily. "Yeah, listen to the one abandoning us, she wants to have a quiet night in. Let's just do the paperwork and go home."

Kayla looks at him funny when he calls her 'the one absconding us' but pushes it to the side. Her friends have been like this since she told them about her getting a job in Los Angeles as a firefighter, just a part of her plan to explore the world.

"How about this, we do the paperwork so my dad doesn't kill us and we go drink what's leftover at my place." She suggests as she walks to the office area of the firehouse.

"But going out would be so much more fun!"

"And such a waste of time I don't have. I'm going a day early so I have time to unpack before my first shift." Ava looks at her for a minute before agreeing. She's not going to argue and try to make her do something she doesn't want to. "Okay, but I'm gonna grab some drinks because the leftover stuff at your place is an absolute ass."

Kayla rolls her eyes but doesn't disagree because Ava's right. There's a reason that stuff is leftover and hasn't been drunk yet.

About an hour and a half later, the three young firefighters are drinking away in the empty small apartment. "I still cannot believe you're leaving for LA," Elijah comments before downing the last of his drink as Kayla laughs, feeling a lovely buzz. "Me either, I just applied for that job on a whim and now look at me. Going to be a big city firefighter."

"Maybe you'll meet some other sexy firefighters and have some actual fun in your life." Ava quips as she tries to get up to get more to drink but struggles, "No more drinks for you except water, and I do have fun. I'm just not a one-night stand kind of girl."

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