THE Weekend - 1

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Today is Friday. Arun, as usual, woke up from his bad dream and did his so-called midnight routine. He came outside from his room at 6. He saw Aarthi's room was already open. He didn't find her in the kitchen. Later he saw her on the balcony doing meditation on a yoga mat. She is wearing yoga pants and a T-shirt. He smiled and went into the kitchen and started preparing coffee. Within a minute Aarthi came to the kitchen and saw Arun. Arun is concentrating on coffee and Aarthi is on Arun.

Aarthi came and switched off the stove. Arun asked in a confused, "What?"

"What what?"

"Why did you switch off the stove?"

"It's not good to drink caffeine this early in the morning.", she replied in a calm tone.

"But yesterday you were the one that started to make coffee.", Arun sounded surprised.

"Yes. I had a headache yesterday due to the loonngggg drive. And once in a while is okay but not every day.", Aarthi showed the words.

"But I drink every day.", Arun's day starts with coffee. As he sleeps less he needs some boost to let him work efficiently.

"Okay. So let's do one thing. It is not easy to suddenly stop our everyday habits. But I have an idea.", Aarthi sounded mature.

"And what exactly is that?", Arun is scared for himself. He wouldn't give a heck about any other person if they come and say not to do something. But it is his wife whom he promised to be friends with. Along with that, he promised Ridhima to try and be Aarthi's husband.

"You drink this full cup of coffee. Right?", Aarthi questioned.


"Today you will have only 3/4th of the cup for one week."

"And after one week?", Arun is panicking inside.

"After one week you will decrease it to half. You will drink half a cup of coffee for one week and then replace coffee with some other drink."

"What do you mean by another drink?", Arun asked hoping it would be tea.

"Well, I suggest hot water because I drink hot water with lemon every morning. And trust me you will feel much better.", Aarthi said with confidence.

Arun's expression changed but for the first time in his life that someone is concerned with his health and also taking care of his habits. Thinking this he smiled a little and started making 3/4th cup of coffee.

Aarthi on the other stove warmed water for her and added a lemon and sat on the balcony to drink it. Arun joined her with his coffee. They enjoyed the weather in silence. Arun got ready and went to the office.

Aarthi did her NGO work and through video call finalized the place to open the office for it. Aarthi's friend Pallavi is taking care of the interior and all. She also called her government-appointed driver Ranganath and informed him to come and pick her up at 8:30 on Monday. She is all set to start her job in the new city. 

She made dal for lunch because it seemed easy for her and watched a movie. Soon it is evening and Arun is home by 8:00. 

In the Office, Shivam is surprised by Arun's own behavior. He is calm and smiles when he is alone. Arun also ate lunch which he generally skips. Shivam is all set to find out what is going on in Arun's life. But Arun answered every question wisely and left Shivam more confused. Today Arun left the office early than any other day. All are in awe looking at his change.

At home :

Aarthi opened the door after hearing the doorbell.

"HI", Aarthi sounded excited.

"Hi.", Arun smiled seeing her.

"How is your day?", Aarthi asked while taking the bag from Arun's hands.

Arun is overwhelmed by the action and is in shock. "Arun?", Aarthi called looking at Arun, who is lost in his thoughts.


"You okay?", Aarthi placed her hand on Arun's bicep.

"Yeah. Yeah. You said something?", He asked trying to redeem himself.

"I asked how was your day.", She asked again.

"It's good. Thank you.", He took the bag from her hands while saying, "I'll change and come."


Aarthi went to the kitchen and started kneading the flour. She is not an expert in all these. So, she made a complete mess on the counter. Arun changed into comfortables and headed towards the kitchen. He saw Aarthi trying something.

"What are you doing?", Arun asked with a smile.

"I made dal in the afternoon. Now for that dal I'm making rotis.", Aarthi sounded exhausted.

"Move. I'll do.", Arun said while asking Aarthi to move.

"No. No. I'll do. You must be tired from all the work.", Aarthi tried to protest. But Arun snatched the roti roller from her hands.

"Not exactly. We agreed on going halves, didn't we?", Arun asked.

Aarthi smiled and moved aside. Arun made 5 rotis. 2 for him and 3 for her.

"You eat very less.", Aarthi said while keeping first morsel in her mouth.

Arun smiled and answered, "Old habits."

Aarthi nodded. After some time she started speaking, "So, what will be your weekend plans? Generally."


"Yeah. Tomorrow is Saturday right. Holidays for two days. What do you do generally?"

"Umm. I just stay at home and sleep." Arun didn't even remember it is weekend. He works all days. Even if employees don't come he goes to office and works 24/7.

"Okay.", Said Aarthi.

They ate and dispersed to their rooms. They said goodnight to eachother.

After going to room, Arun called Shivam.

"Hello sir."

"Hello Shivam."

" Yes sir."

"From now every weekend is normal for you. Just come to office on Monday."

"Sir. What sir?", Shivam is shocked because Arun want Shivam for everything in the office.

"I said it is week off for you. Enjoy and come on Monday."

"But sir. How can you manage alone?", Shivam asked.

"I'm not going to office. I'll come on Monday."

Shivam is shocked but composed himself, "Okay sir."


After call Arun laid and tried to sleep. He is thinking about the day. How she is effecting his lifestyle. But he is feeling good as it is the care he craved for all his life. Arun smiled thinking her tired face while cooking. Her dal tasted Ok. But she is not a good cook for sure. He tried to sleep.

Aarthi on the other hand is happy with her life. The pace of her relationship is good. She is writing something in a paper and after 45 minutes she laid and went to deep slumber in no time.

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