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"...Elena asleep, so, just have a couple drinks and even find some guys too-" Gabriella said through Vienna's phone but she cut the teenager off.
"Don't finish that sentence please" Vienna cut in, Gabriella chuckled. "I'm not gonna get drunk if that's what you think, I'll be home by 9"
"Mhm, sure..." The teenager hummed in a smug tone, Vienna rolled her eyes.
"I'm going, try not to burn my house down please"
"I won't" Gabby replied slightly offended by her older sisters comment. "Bye" and Vienna hung up and put her phone in the back pocket of her jeans.
"Another beer?" The bartender asked the brunette, she nodded. "Coming right up"
While waiting for her drink the brunette noticed a familiar face, Firefighter Buckley, from the whole 'firefighter on drugs'situation that's what she liked to call it anyways. And also from the news this morning with the 'see me norman' thing.
The bartender placed a bottle of beer in front of her "Anything else?" He asked, following her glance over to the blonde firefighter.
"Uh, yeah, a bourbon, neat. For the guy over there" She said nodding over to Firefighter Buckley, he nodded.
Vienna watched as Buck got up from his seat and walked over to the bar, the bartender handed the young man the glass of bourbon. Buck looked down at the glass confused.
"Uh, what's this?" Buck asked the bartender.
"Bourbon, neat. The lady said real heroes don't drink pale ale" He replied glancing over to Vienna, Buck followed his glance over to the brunette sat at the bar, she smirked before taking a sip from her bottle of beer.
Buck grabbed the drink and walked over to Vienna and sat next to her.
"Uh, Vienna, right?" Buck asked, the brunette nodded. "Yeah, y-you we're one of the officers at the dosed brownies thing"
"Yep, uh, Buckley, right?" She asked him.
"Evan Buckley but everyone just calls me Buck" She nodded taking another sip of beer. "So, hey, what-what's a-a fancy police officer like you doing in a badge and ladder joint like this?"
"Stalking you, of course" She replied, he looked at her confused, she chuckled at his reaction not getting the joke. "I'm kidding, my station is right around the corner, and my sister's looking after my daughter so I decided to come here. What about you? You come here a lot?"
"Um, I-I used to, um, or places like it. I-I haven't in a while"
"Why?" She asked.
"I was in pretty serious relationship, uh, but that's over now, I guess" Buck explained to her.