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EDDIE CLOSED VIENNA'S CAR DOOR after getting out of her car, "Thanks for driving me" Eddie said to her, she smirked as Eddie kissed her on the cheek. "Are we still on for tonight's date?"
"Of course" The blonde nodded before watching Eddie walk into the firehouse and she drove off.
"Uh, w-what's going on with you and Vienna?" Buck asked Eddie as he walked into the locker room.
"We've been on a few dates, that's all" Eddie shrugged putting his bag in his locker. Buck gave his best friend a confused look.
"B-But, it's nothing serious, right?" He questioned, Eddie scoffed turning his head to look at the blonde.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"That's totally against the bro code, you're dating my ex" Buck pointed out crossing his arms over his chest.
Eddie rolled his eyes at Buck's childish behavior, "Look, Buck, we're not in middle school. I can date your ex, if I want too" He hissed putting his watch on before walking out the locker room.
Buck frowned watching Eddie walk away.
Meanwhile at Mid Wilshire station Vienna walked back into the station with her coffee remembering it was Lucy's first day back after the whole Rosalind Dyer thing.
"So, what's your plan?" Reyes asked Bradford walking over to him.
"For what?" He asked.
"Officer Chen. I'm sure you've got some Alpha strategy to get her back on the horse" She answered, "So, what is it?"
"Your standard input overload. Force her to push through dynamic engagements. Hone in her fight-or-flight response" Vienna rolled her eyes.
"So, get her into as many fights as possible..." She sighed folding her arms over her chest.
"I've gonna remind her that she's a cop, not a victim"
Reyes scoffed at his words, "She knows she's not a victim. Look, Chen doesn't need to fight. She needs to make peace with that voice inside her head saying she's never gonna be safe again"
"Look, I've been training rookies a lot longer than you. I know what she needs"
"That's ego talking" The blonde scoffed, he narrowed his eyes looking at her, she sighed. "What happened to Chen is every woman's worst fear"
"I'm aware of that"
"But you have never lived that fear" She explained to him. "It's clear that you have her best interests at heart, I am just asking you to consider whether she might be better served by...someone who has been through what she has been through"