Twenty Nine. She's Back

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VIENNA SIGHED SCROLLING THROUGH REDDIT. Ever since the story broke out about Vienna getting kidnapped and William getting arrested. It was all over the news. 'He's obviously innocent, she's the one who should be in jail' One of the posts read. 'It won't hold up in court he'll be free soon enough' and another one that she saw a lot was; '#FreeWilliam.'

"Vienna" Eddie dragged out her name. He knew exactly what she was doing. She quickly turned off her phone and looked up at him.

"I don't know what you're talking about" She replied petting the Nova who was sat on her lap.

"You need to stop going on Reddit and Twitter" Eddie told her sitting down next to her.

She sighed running her hands over her face, "Who can people defend him? Him stabbed me and tried to murder me"

"'Cause people have something inside of them, that makes them fall for psychopaths"


Eddie paused and bit his lip, "I didn't mean you. You didn't know he was a psychopath" grabbing the blonde's hand, she sighed. "Are you sure you're ready to go back to work?"

"Yes, I am. If I stay in this house for other 2 weeks I'm gonna go crazy" She replied crossing her arms over her chest.

"Vienna, you can't even move without it hurting" Eddie reminded her.

She sighed. "That's why I'm gonna be taking low-risk calls, okay?"

Eddie paused before sighing. "Your stubborn" She scoffed slightly. "Fine, I trust that you'll be fine and not get shot or anything"


"Welcome back. How are you feeling?" Rossi asked her T.O. walking over to her handing her a coffee.

"I'm not dead so, good" The blonde shrugged taking a sip of the hot coffee.

Summer gave her an unamused look. "That's not funny" The raven hair told her, Vienna rolled her eyes. "You nearly died"

"I know and I'm over it" She assured and started to walk away. "And technically I did die. For two minutes" and  walked out of view from her rookie.

"...That's not reassuring" Summer mumbled following her T.O. over to the shop.

After 20 minutes of driving in silence (Vienna's favorite thing), Rossi cleared her throat before breaking the silence.

"So, do you wanna talk about it?" Rossi asked her.

"About what?" Vienna asked back acting confused but she maybe had an idea of what she was talking about.

"The..." Rossi trailed off not wanting to finish the sentence before sighing. "The 'FreeWilliam' thing"

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