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"SO HOW WAS YOUR DATE?" Rossi asked her T.O walking out the locker room.
"It was good" Vienna replied with a nod.
"Reyes, Rossi. Did you see Lucy in the locker room?" Nolan asked the two cutting their conversation short as him and Jackson walked over to them.
"No. Why?" Reyes asked them.
"If she's just running late and we ring the fire alarm, she'll get dinged, but-" Nolan started turning to Jackson.
"But if we don't and something terrible-"
"Grey!" Vienna called cutting Jackson's sentence short.
"Yeah?" Grey asked walking over to them.
"Tell him" Reyes told the two rookies.
"Lucy did not come home last night. She's not responding to texts or calls" Officer Nolan explained to him and Bradford.
"Okay. W- Did she go out with that guy?" Bradford asked the two, "The- The one she met at a bar. Caleb...Wright, with a W"
"Yeah, yeah, she was, uh, heading to meet him when we walked out together last night about 8:30. Haven't heard from her since" Jackson told him.
"Could've ended up at this place- overslept" Grey suggested, the two rookies shook their heads.
"No. Lucy doesn't do one-night stands" "No. And she's never late" Jackson and Nolan replied quickly. Summer gave Nolan a confused look.
"What do you know about this Caleb guy?" Grey asked.
"No, he, uh- he said that he worked for a medical supply company. I saw a video of him playing with a puppy" Tim explained, they all looked at him confused. "Chen was checking out his social media page"
"Alright, take West, run a background check" Grey ordered, "I want to know everything you can find on Caleb before we knock on his door. And Reyes find Armstrong"
"Got it" Vienna nodded and walked away from the group.
"The bartender at Las Torres recognized Lucy and Caleb. The good news- there's a security camera in the parking lot, so we know they left at 9:05. The bad news" Armstrong started writing on the whiteboard. "The camera angle's too steep to recognize faces. Two minutes later, this car drove by" showing the officers the security footage.
"The license plate on Caleb's car was reported stolen earlier that day. Officer Chen's car was found in the alley where she left it last night. Which means we believe Caleb is Rosalind's protege and he took Officer Chen" Grey explained, Vienna sighed looking at the floor. "I know how upsetting this is, but we have to remain focused. She's counting on us. Any other questions?"