Thirty Six. Evan Buckley

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VIENNA PUT HER MASK ON before answering the front door hoping it was her amazon package. "Buck?" She asked.

"Uh, hey" Buck greeted with an awkward smile.

"Is everything okay? Are you here to see Eddie?" Vienna asked him crossing her arms over her chest.

"Uh, no..." He started, Vienna nodded. "Can I ask you a favor?"

"Sure, but it depends on what is it"

"So, my parents are coming into town. And I may have told them I had a girlfriend last time we spoke up and..." Buck started to explain. Vienna bit her lip. She had a pretty good idea of what he was going to ask, "Will my fake girlfriend just until they leave?"

Vienna bit down on her lip trying not to laugh. "A-Are you laughing?" Buck asked her in disbelief.

"No" She replied, her smile hiding behind her mask. "Uh, yeah sure, I'll be your fake girlfriend"

"Thanks" Buck said to her with a smile. "I'll text you the details later"

She nodded, "Bye, Buck" And she closed the front door taking her mask off, "Eddie, guess what I am doing tonight" She said sitting next to him on the couch.

"Hmm, what?" Eddie asked putting his book down.

"Being Buck fake girlfriend" She chuckled.

"Sorry, what?" Eddie asked, holding in his laugh. "So, he asked his ex...too?" She nodded in her head as Eddie started to laugh.


"So, you asked your ex to be your fake girlfriend?" Albert asked Buck with a chuckle.

Buck rolled his eyes, "Yes, now preheat the oven. 350" Buck ordered.

"She's the only ex that still talks to him. So, he had no choice" Chimney said to his younger brother.

"Haha, very funny" Buck mumbled sarcastically as the two Hans laughed. There was a knock at the door. Buck sighed and walked over to the door. He opened the door and was greeted by Vienna with a smile. "Hey, V"

"Hey, Buck" She replied, stepping inside Maddie and Chimney's apartment. "I brought lemon tarts" putting the container on the counter.

Chim smiled. "You're my favorite ex Buck has had" Chimney told her. She chuckled slightly.

"Did you bake those?" Buck asked her. She nodded, "You can cook?" She scoffed hitting him on the shoulder.

"I'm Albert Han. Chimney's brother and Buck's roommate" Albert chimed in.

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