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THE BLONDE WALKED IN THE BRIEFING ROOM, while replying to Eddie's text that he couldn't make it for movie night, she glanced up from her phone to see Nyla sat in her seat, Vienna sighed slipping her phone in her back pocket and sat at the back of the room.
"Okay, listen up. Why is community policing important?" Segreant Grey asked the officer before glancing at the rookies at the front row. "Officer Chen?"
"Uh, because it builds trust between the police and the public, leading to a reduction in crime" Chen explained.
"Exactly. And today, we're gonna do a little trust-building, Officer Nolan, so you know Dr. Sawyer at Shaw Memorial?" Grey asked him.
"Uh, we went to the same college, sir. Eh, before I got my now-ex pregnant with my son and-" Nolan started as Grey rolled his eyes.
"It was a yes or no question, Nolan"
"Sorry, sir, yes, I know her"
"Good. She requested an officer to assist with a seminar. You're going" Grey told him.
"What kind of seminar?" Nolan asked him.
"Don't know, don't care" Grey shot back quickly. "Whatever it is, it's open to the public, which means you have a chance to show the community that the LAPD does more than just lock up people"
"We do?" Vienna asked from the back of the room, making couple officers laugh.
"That's not funny" Grey told her as the officer shut up. "And you don't want to piss me off, Reyes, considering what I have lined up for you" walking towards the blonde.
"And what's that?" She asked innocently.
"I was gonna have you ride with Officer West today but your gonna be helping Detective Parker with one of her case" Grey told her, the blonde frowned and crossing her arms over her chest.
"Are you sure that's the best idea after what happened next time?" Bradford asked the sergeant.
"Well, Bradford, Watts Rams need additional coaches for their fall clinic and you're gonna need company...and you'll be taking Officers Rossi and West with you"
"Reyes and Diaz, Sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G" Parker sung from behind the blonde as she put her phone in her pocket.
"I will punch you" Reyes sung back, Parker rolled her eyes putting the file on the table.
"And this is Detective Miller" Reyes turned her head to see a familiar face, she smiled.
"Hey, Niki"
"W-Wait, you two know each other?" Samantha asked them, Niki nodded.
"Yeah, uh, we met during the tsunami" Niki said to her.