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VIENNA WATCHED AS the cocky suspect walked into the holding cell before turning around to Officer Chen. "You were saying something about a long-term stay?" He asked her as she closed the door.
"She ID you?" Vienna asked from her seat on the bench behind him.
"Nope" He replied, turning around to look at the woman. "Hit 'em hard, drive away fast. They never get a good look" He explained taking the seat next to her. "Best part is, her fine-ass ride's gonna earn me 10K, easy" before putting his hand on her thigh.
She gave him a look of disgust. She pushed his hand off and stood up. "Open the cell!" He looked at the blonde confused.
"He confessed?" Lucy asked opening the cell door.
"Yeah" She nodded.
"Wait!" The man argued quickly standing up. "That's entrapment!"
"Um. It's not. There's no legal expectation of privacy within a police station. Anything you say here can be used against you" Vienna explained with a smirk. "All it took was a pretty woman to get you to confess, easy" Before closing the cell door.
"...Lastly, the brass wants us to increase our social media presence within the community" Sergeant Grey's word caught Vienna's attention snapping her out of her thoughts.
"We're cops, not influencers" Reyes chimed in, tone riddled with sarcasm.
"Like it or not, Officer Reyes, you're both" Reyes rolled her eyes folding her arms over her chest, "A strong relationship with the public makes us all safer. So let's show them we're people, too. Get out there, take a few selfies..." Nolan raised his hand. "Yes, Officer Nolan?"
"Back in Foxburg, I knew most of the cops by name"
"'Cause there were four of them" Vienna replied with a shrug making the other officer chuckle including Tim.
"Five" He corrected. "But the number didn't matter. It's just that they spent most of their time on foot. I mean, how are we supposed to take a selfie with someone when we're trapped in our shop most of the day?"
"That's a good point. We do spend too much time locked inside our shops. New plan" Grey started. Vienna swore under her breath she already knew what he was gonna say. "Everyone spends the morning on foot patrol"
I knew. The blonde thought to herself as all the officer groaned while glaring at the back on Nolan's head.
"Good one, Officer Nolan"
"I hate this" Vienna mumbled walking down the street with Rossi by her side.
"Why? It's kind of fun" Reyes shot her a glance of confusion. "We get more vitamin D...and speak to actual people not just criminals"