Fifteen. Tsunami

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THE WATER HAD A GRIP OF VIENNA, while she tried her best to stay a float, she noticed an overturned car staying float as well. She took a deep breath before swinging over to it as the tide pushed against her.

The brunette managed to reach the car and pulled herself up onto it.

"Help!" Vienna heard a woman yell. Vienna turned her head to see a woman caught in the tide of the water.

"Grab my hand!" Vienna yelled, reaching her hand out for the edge of the car as the woman headed towards her. The woman grabbed Vienna's hand barely hanging on, she carefully pulled the woman up onto the car. "What's your name?"

"Niki" The woman mumbled, catching her breath. "Oh, my God. my daughter. I-I had my daughter with me, I-I-" as tears streamed down her face.

"Hey, hey. We'll find her, okay?" Vinna asked her, she nodded shakily.


"Settle down, settle down" Sergeant Grey told the officers walking into the briefing room. "All patrol officers have checked in except from Officers Reyes and Rossi" He told the officers with a sigh as Bradford and Lopez shared a worried glance.

"Hey, we could use a hand up here!" Summer yelled from the top the the ferris wheel looking down to Eddie and Captain Nash on the rafts.

"Is that officer Rossi?" Bobby asked, Eddie nodded.

Eddie put on his harness on joined Summer on top of the ferris wheel as the ferris wheel cart began to shake."That's not part of the ride"

"No, the spokes are coming off the hub, this thing's been thrashed" Rossi told him with a sigh.

"What about you? Are you hurt?" Eddie asked her.

"No, and neither is he" She replied looking over to the other guy on the ferris wheel.

"I'm not going anywhere, not until the water's gone!" The guy yelled holding into the cart.

"Sir, if you don't come with us, this whole thing will be gone"

"Don't worry, buddy. I'm gonna get you down safely. I'm just gonna put this harness around you, okay?" Eddie questioned, the man nodded and Eddie put a harness around him as Eddie passed Summer the other. "Where's Vienna?"

"Got separated...hell of a spin cycle" The raven hair mumbled putting the harness on.

Meanwhile Vienna had her radio in hand even though it was probably broken from water damage but the brunette tried anyway.

"7-Adam-20. Responding" Vienna said into her radio but still no answer, she sighed.

"It's not gonna work. It's water damaged" Niki pointed out, Vienna sighed.

𝗙𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗹𝗲𝘀𝘀 - 911 x The Rookie (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now