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We talked for a while when my phone started vibrating. Brianna was calling "I'll be right back" I said to Sammy walking over to his window and crawled through it so that I am now sitting on the roof. shortly after Sam sat next to me.
Brianna- hey
Carly- hey what's up aren't you supposed to be in school
I could tell something was wrong by the sound in her voice.
Carly- what's wrong?
Brianna- I have some bad news
Carly-well are you gonna tell me
Brianna- mom died this morning Danny picked me up from school.
We both call her mom, mom but I've called her ma for awhile she was like a second mom to me.
Carly- your kidding
Brianna- no she had cancer remember? Her funeral and viewing is on Friday if you wanna come it's at the lee funeral home next to pnc bank by the world gym In owings...can you please come down tommarow to help set up?
Carly-um idk I'll have to talk to my
On but I'll let you know... I gotta go I'm at sam's house I said completely forgetting she doesn't know him.
Brianna- aw Carly's gotta bae
Carly-stfu hoe ight gotta go I'll text you layer
Brianna-ight bye

Sam's p.o.v.
Carly was crying by the time she hung up the phone.
"Aw what's wrong beautiful" I asked. "my best friend's mom just died and I have to go home Tomorrow to help set up the funeral" she said now sobbing."aw I'll go with you."
I told her. "no,you don't have to if you don't wanna I'll be alright." she said. "it's alright I wanna go lets go pack." I said crawling back through the window it's now 8:30pm. she crawled in after me.

Carly's p.o.v
Well now sams going with me back to Maryland. I don't know if I should trust him I mean I just met him.but hey you never know so I'll trust him. "Sam hurry the fuck up I have to pack too ya know" "hey give me a sec" he said as he zipped up his bag. "lets go so I can pack" I said. "ok let's go" he replied. we left to go to my place.
*skip car ride*
We just got to my house. "MOMMM!!!! I'm home" I yelled walking in the door. "dayum, your loud" Sam aid covering his ears. "hey who is this" joe asked bro hugging Sam "oh I'm questing you must be her little brother." Sam said
"Yup" joe replied "well I'm Sam your sister's boyfriend" Sam said smirking at me as soon as my mom came downstairs. "hello?" "Hey mom I have to fly to Maryland tommarow or tonight Whitney died this morning and I'm going to help set up with Brianna for the funeral and all." I said "ok is someone going with you? " She asked as she looked at Sam. "yes ma'am, Sam wilkinson on duty" Sam said solutting her. god he's such a loser. I guided Sam up to my room. "so I'm your girlfriend huh?" I asked "well I panicked but I mean if you wanna be?" Said it as more of a question than a statement. "sure why not." I said giving him an answer. "so your my girlfriend then" he questioned "I qeuss so." I responded. "well in that case he said. as he walked up behind me rested his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder. "Ha your so cliche" I said as I turned around and kissed his cheek. "FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, GOD DAMN IT" I said getting frustrated. "what's wrong babe?" Sam asked. "PLANE TICKETS SAM WTF ARE WE GONNA DO WE HAVE TO LEAVE TONIGHT!" I began to yell
"Whoa chill out I've got this" he said
"We can go to the airport and buy them there I doubt that theirs non left. alright it'll be ok?" He said reassuring me. "Ok." was all I managed to say when joe walked in crying. "j (his nickname) what's wrong" "Carls home" he said pointing to my door. Carl's my moms boyfriend since my parents got a divorce right before we moved I really miss my dad. "what did he do j?" I asked as he moved his hand away from his cheek to make the bruise visable. "are you fucking kidding me!" I yelled walking out of my room. Sam following closely behind me. "CARL STOP" I heard my mom yell then heard a loud bang. I walked in the living room to see my mom covering her face and Carl standing holding a beer bottle above his head. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF THIS GOD DAMN HOUSE... NOW!" I screamed he then punched me in the face. that bastard. the last thing I remember was being pushed out of the way and after that everything went blurry. I woke up to Sam, my mom, joe, and Kinsey standing next to me. I looked around and it looked like a hospital room. "sammy?" I asked looking at Sam while he was holding my hand and kissing it. "what are you doing" I said now laughing. "she's awake! Doctor!" Then everyone else started yelling for the doctor when the doctor ran in. "she's awake" Sam said. "wait how long was I out." I asked. "a couple days" the dictor and everyone said in unison. "mr.wilkinson didn't leave your bedside" the doctor said as I looked at Sam and he blushed. "wow I thought I was out for a century I was like how many centuries have I slept." I joked as everyone chuckled. "do you remember anything" Sam asked.
"All I remember was that asshole punching me." I said "do you remember us?" He said pointing back and forth from himself to me. "no, who are you" I asked. I could see the tears in his eyes as he looked me in the eyes. "are you serious?" He asked "nah I'm just fucking with you" I said laughing. "fuck you, bitch" Brianna said walking over to us.


I'll try to update on friday this week.i

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