Chapter Two.

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I could only imagine what's going through Katniss' mind as she stands on the platform outside of District Two's Justice Building. Luckily, the day passed rather quickly, but Cato's family didn't say a word to me. They blamed me, and that's okay, because I blamed myself, too.

Katniss is the one who killed 'Cato', although she did do it out of sympathy. And Clove - while she died due to her own stupidity - I know the people of this district have equated it to being Katniss' fault. Not only that, but Katniss had both first hand kills of District One.

As someone who's been through that, as someone who has had to stand there and watch the families of the children she killed look up at her with so much anger, so much resentment - I know how that feels. No matter how much the Career districts believe that being in The Hunger Games is an 'honor', no amount of honor could replace the child size hole left in your heart when you lose your child, the person you raised, the one who shares the features of you and someone you love. The one who brings you so much love and comfort, just ripped away from you.

Of course, Snow wanted to make sure that this is the worst day of my life. As soon as the District Two part of the Victory Tour is complete, the President of Panem has lined up customers to occupy my day.

"It's nice to see you, Ms. Rivers," the familiar face of Plutarch Heavensbee greets as I walk into the rundown shack on the outskirts of District Two, the place where I meet those who pay so much for me.

"I wish I could say the same," I gulp, my body bruised in broken from the twenty or so customers I've already been through. "You're the last, so let's just get this over with," I know he's paid for me before, just to talk, but I doubt I could get that lucky again today.

Plutarch stops me as I began to unbutton my shirt, my hands shaking. "No, Marblyn, I want the same thing as last time." I freeze, looking up at the man in utter disbelief. What? "It's no secret that Katniss Everdeen is the face of the Second Rebellion. But, your story, what Snow does to you, don't you think that would just be icing on the cake?"

I sigh, looking the man right in the eye. "Where is Cato?" That's the burning question on my mind, the same thought that has been running through my mind for six months since the Hunger Games ended.

"Cato is safe," I let out an audible sigh of relief at that, running the hand that was previously unbuttoning my shirt through my hair. "But we have bigger matters at hand."

"Bigger matters?" I scoff, eyes wide as I shake my head. "What could be bigger than my boyfriend faking his death, and Snow holding threats over my head because of it?" Boyfriend. I don't quite know if Cato and I have a title, but after all of this, I would assume that we do.

"There was an uprising in District Eight.. and District Eleven." My jaw drops at the news of the uprisings in the districts, my eyes wide with realization. I remember bits of my Victory Tour, ones that weren't blurred by the hazing effects of alcohol. District Eight had been ugly, the thick industrial fumes getting caught in my throat as I walked the urbanized streets. I remember learning that every single citizen of Eight is required to work a four hour shift at one of the many textile factories, every single day.

"What happened to the people of Eight?" No doubt they got punished, severely, but I needed to hear it for myself. I need the words to penetrate my brain solely for the purpose of enstilling more hatred for the Capitol, in order to disperse the fear.

"The discontent and rebellious nature of District Eight has always been there, of course, just as with Three and Eleven. The factories are loud, with the machinery going, making its people able to safely talk - plan a rebellion. The night Peeta and Katniss got engaged, televised to all of Panem, it gave Eight's people the chance to be out on the streets after dark - without suspicion. The masks went on, hell broke loose, the Peacekeepers were overwhelmed over the element of surprise. Rebels got the the Communication Center, the granary, the power station - all secured. The Peacekeepers fell, the rebels gained weapons, and people started escaping to spread word to other Districts.

"Soon, Peacekeepers arrived by the thousands, they bombed the city, then there was a lockdown. Nobody was allowed to leave their homes for a week, no food, no coal, nothing. The only time television was permitted was when rebels were publicly hung in the square. Then, after the whole district was almost starved - things returned to normal."

"They used Katniss and Peeta's engagement as a distraction?" I raise my eyebrows in shock, knowing full well that Snow could not have taken that well. What she pulled in the arena, the stunt with the berries, he had to be on her case just as much - if not more - than he was on mine. I can't imagine him not threatening her, the same way he threatened me.

Plutarch gives me a curt nod, confirming my suspicions. "Snow isn't happy about this at all. Especially not after what happened on the Victory Tour stop at District Eleven."

"About Peeta giving Rue and Thresh's family his winnings?" I saw that much on the stop in Eleven, before the television cut out. How stupid was I to not see that that had been a purposeful act made by the Capitol?

"No, what happened afterward. After Katniss' speech," we had only seen half of Katniss' speech about Rue that was televised, they also cut out the initial 'funeral' Katniss managed to give Rue in the arena. "It started with a riot, when Rue passed away. Her father, he started an uproar, and was executed. That's why only Rue's mother and siblings were on the platform. On the Victory stop, Rue's grandfather started a rebellion - and was publicly executed."

I can't hide the audible gasp that escapes my mouth at Plutarch's revelation. "Is there anything going on anywhere else? How are the other districts?"

"Johanna and Finnick are fine, Four had a small revolt. One that was covered up with a premise of bad weather, because the Capitol hasn't had seafood in weeks. District Three as well. District Seven... District Seven lost a lot of lives in their revolt, requiring the miners of Twelve to have to meet outrageous quotas." I didn't realize my questioning about my friends' safety had been that obvious. "The only other district that has had an issue is Twelve."

"Katniss and Peeta?" I don't necessarily like them, but I gave up Cato for this rebellion. This is important to me. I don't want to be a prostitute anymore, I don't want to be under Snow's thumb anymore, I don't want to live like this anymore.

"They're safe, for now," he sighs deeply, looking through the dirty broken window of the shack. "Snow sent in more Peacekeepers - stricter Peacekeepers - public lashings and getting thrown in the stocks has become common."

"I'm assuming they stopped the black market?" I remember the market from my Victory Tour, the one where a one-armed woman called Ripper sold me white whiskey. Although half the district is starved and it is in a state of disarray, I will say that District Twelve had been one of my favorites. I can't say they liked me, though - I did kill both of their tributes. "How do you know all of this?"

"Seneca Crane was executed due to Katniss' actions, Marblyn." He says slowly, crossing his arms over his chest. "You're looking at the new Head Gamemaker. It's nice seeing you, Marblyn, I hope you prepare yourself for the Quarter Quell."

A/N: I am SO happy with how this chapter turned out, and I hope everyone likes it as well!

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