Chapter Seventeen.

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"Well, they aren't going to like that," I scoff, laying my head on Finnick's shoulder as the Capitol anthem plays and no faces are shown. The rest of the alliance knows I'm not wrong, the Capitol will be thirsting for blood. "It's probably about nine, we should get at it."

The rest of the group follows me as I make my way up to the lightning tree, the hike seeming harder now that I've eaten. Finnick helps Beetee wrap the wire around the tree, in a very delicate and specific pattern.

"I'm going to have Johanna and Katniss take the coil through the jungle, unwinding it as you go. Lay it across the twelve o'clock beach, then drop it in the water and let it sink. Run for the jungle, if you go now you should have enough time." Beetee explains the plan to the girls.

"I want to go with them as a guard," Peeta says firmly, stepping up next to Katniss.

Beetee shakes his head, refusing Peeta's input on the plan. "You're too slow. Besides, I'll need you on this end. Katniss will guard. I'm sorry, but there's no time to debate this if the girls are gonna make it out of there alive."

"It's okay," Katniss nods, squeezing Peeta's hand with reassurance. "We'll drop the wire and run."

"Not in the lightning zone," while I find it odd that Beetee doesn't want me going with Katniss and Johanna, I do trust his plan. "Head for the tree in the one to two o'clock sector. If you find you're running out of time, move over one more. Don't even think about going to the beach though, not until I can assess the damage."

With that, Katniss gives Peeta a kiss goodbye and her and Johanna begin unwinding the wire together. They're only gone for about ten minutes when I hear the familiar sound of Brutus' voice. "Well, she's as good as dead!" I hear him sneer, letting out a laugh.

I don't think about my actions before I start running through the jungle, following the wire. I find the wire midway through the jungle, cut. Brutus figured out Beetee's plan, and he found a way to stop it.

"Marblyn! Katniss! Johanna!" Finnick runs through the jungle, his footsteps pounding through my ears. Brutus figured out the plan, and that only means one thing. I told myself I would kill in this game, I wouldn't take a thirteenth life. But for Finnick's safety, for Johanna's? Even for Beetee, Katniss, and Peeta's, I gotta do what I gotta do. I'm going to track down Brutus, and even if it kills me, I have to do it.


The sound of the cannon makes me run faster, in a direction that only has given me a good feeling that I'd find Brutus. "Katniss!" I follow Peeta's voice, knowing his voice will draw in the predator that I'm looking for.

I silently pray that it's not Finnick and Johanna, even though the loss of any one of my fellow Victors would probably break me. Then I see him.

"Brutus," I say, glaring at the man that I have a genuine love for. I know only one of us will make it out of here alive. And I know that it cannot be Brutus.

"I was going to make you twenty-fourth," he growls, stepping closer to me. "But I guess sixth will have to do."

I dodge his punch, ducking just in time that he can't knock me out. My combat with him is quick, nimble, proving that in his older age he can't keep up with my fast paced movements. He takes a knife, effectively slashing my forearm. The knife cut seems to awaken something in me, the old Marblyn. The arena Marblyn. I'm about to take my thirteenth life, in this kill or be killed world.

I allow Brutus to think that he has the upper hand, he twists my hand behind my back. While he's distracted, spitting out some venom about how I'm a disgrace to District Two. I spin out of his hold by kicking his feet out from underneath him, gaining the upper hand. Then, I send my knife into his stomach. I don't waste time in running away, knowing the man is as good as dead. With that, I head back to the tree where I last left Finnick, Beetee, and Peeta.

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