Chapter Sixteen.

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Day three. Sixteen of the Victors reaped are dead, and now there are eight of us left. The only real threat we have is the one that's gunning for me - my own district partner. If anything, the dangers within the clock will be what allows us to meet a bitter demise. If we remove Brutus from the equation, I don't forsee Chaff hunting us down - or us hunting Chaff.

I know I'm safe, with Finnick and Johanna. I know neither of them will take my life. Currently, I'm not even sure that I want to make it out of this arena alive. What exactly do I have to live for? The only person around District Two that actually cares for me is my brother. My father saw my alcoholism as a disgrace, and distanced himself from me as much as he possibly could. The rest of my family followed his example.

Outside District Two, there are also very few people who care about me. Finnick and Johanna, who are in here with me. We can't all make it out alive. Chaff and Haymitch. Chaff's in here with me, and I know Haymitch's main priority is getting one of his own tributes out of this arena. More than likely, the Mockingjay. I have nothing. Finnick has a family, a future with Annie. Katniss has her mother and sister, her highly televised 'cousins'. Peeta has his family. I'm the least deserving of the win. I have nothing to live for.

The familiar beep of the parachute landing on the beach knocks me out of my worldly trance. I follow the rest of the alliance over to the beach, watching as Beetee opens the canister. "More bread, from District Three," he announces, smiling and waving at one of the Capitol cameras. Thanking his district, for providing us with food.

"They're plotting," I whisper to Finnick as he tries to teach me how to weave a net. Katniss had taken Peeta into the water to 'teach him how to swim', but she didn't have him take off his floatation device. "You think they're talking numbers?"

Finnick glances up at the two on the beach, continuing his weaving. "Most definitely," he sighs, shaking his head. I know Finnick, probably better than everybody except Annie. There's something he's not telling me, but if he's not telling me then that means there is a reason. "I'm sure this game went by faster than we all expected, with all the tributes already dead."

I don't have time to respond, to ask any questions. Katniss calls Finnick into the water, telling him she has a way to get rid of the scabs left on their bodies from the acid fog. The three of them scrub themselves in the saltwater, the ugly scabs slowly fading away.

"She's on her way out, isn't she?" Johanna scoffs, scowling at the girl from District Twelve. I simply nod, confirming her suspicions. "If I didn't know any better, I'd think they were trying to kill all of us."

"With this arena?" I let out a dry laugh, rolling my eyes. "Probably. How many of us have actually killed each other? Less than other years. Most of us are dying because of our surroundings."

Beetee calls us over to where he sits by a tree, still fiddling with his wire. "I think we all agree we need to kill Brutus. I doubt he'll attack us openly, now that he's incredibly outnumbered. We could track him down, I suppose, but it'll be dangerous."

"As long as I'm here, he'll be waiting. He wants to give me my ultimate demise." I push away the fond, happy memories I have with my former mentor. We did two years of mentoring together, he helped me train before I volunteered, he was my mentor. Hard to believe he wants to kill me now, and I know he'll stop at nothing to do so.

"He's not going to get close to you," Finnick shakes his head in anger, throwing an arm around my shoulder. I have siblings, yes, but besides my little brother I have no relationship with any of them. Finnick is my brother, with everything in me.

"Do you think they've figured out the clock?" Katniss' question is a good one, one which I know is aimed at Chaff and Brutus. If there is some sort of outrageous plan, I hope it's one that includes Chaff getting out, too. He's a good man.

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