Chapter Fifteen.

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"Prim! Prim!" I recognize the name, nodding to Johanna that I'm going after the two members of our alliance. Prim, Katniss' little sister, the one she volunteered for in the first place. Is she here, in the arena?

I realize my mistake the second I step through the dense jungle. "Marblyn! Marblyn!" It's my brother, Marc, screaming my name. Is this some sort of sick joke? Did they bring the tributes family into the arena? Is that even possible?

I follow the voice, coming to the clearing just in time to see Katniss sink her arrow into a bird. It's a jabberjay. The Capitol is playing mind games with us, with the jabberjays. The screaming from my brother continues, but I block it out. They can't get to me, not anymore.

Finnick crashes into the clearing, pulling me into his arms. "Marblyn," he says, hugging me tightly. "Katniss, are you okay?"

"I thought I heard my sister, but-," her voice is cut off as the unmistakable scream of Annie Cresta begins. The fear on his face is apparent as his head whips around, desperately searching for the girl.

"Annie!" He screams, running through the jungle in an attempt to follow the voice. "Annie!" The panic is clear as I run after him, trying to figure out exactly where his soulmate is.

"Katniss, kill it!" I call to the archer, my eyes wide as Finnick runs around. "He won't understand until he's not hearing her anymore."

Katniss' arrow shoots the jabberjay right in the throat, allowing the bird to fall to the ground. "It's not Annie, Finnick," she says calmly, kicking the bird across the ground. "They're playing a trick on us, getting in our heads."

I notice Johanna standing near, about five feet away. She's most definitely in the jabberjay sector of the clock, but she's not calling out for anybody. The jabberjays aren't effecting her. As if knowing my question before I ask, she sighs before looking up at me. "There's nobody left that I love."

That's right. Johanna decided to refuse Snow's attempt to subdue her with the Capitol prostitution. In return, President Snow killed her parents and her two brothers. She cared about Blight, sure, but he's gone. And Finnick and I, her only friends, are in the arena with her.

I notice Peeta and Beetee standing a ways away, just watching. Katniss looks betrayed as if she's questioning whether or not Peeta has tried to help. But his hands are pressed up against an invisible barrier, his lips moving but no words come out. We're trapped here, for the entire hour.

"Jabberjays copy what they hear," Finnick says. A tear rolls down his face as he looks over at Katniss, Johanna, and I. "Someone is making her sound like that."

It's almost too much pain to bear. The screams, what with now realizing that even if the sound is coming from mutts - they're copying it from somewhere. I fall to the ground at the sound of my own little sister's screams, the blade of my sword digging into the soil.

I get a moment of relief when the sound of an unfamiliar man starts screaming. To this voice, Katniss also drops to the ground, screaming his name. "Gale!" I recognize the name, her cousin back in District Twelve. Although, with the context clues I've found, I've noticed that her cousin may not actually be her cousin.

Finnick and Katniss try to escape the sector, Finnick hitting the invisible wall face first. His nose begins dripping blood, but Katniss hits with her shoulder. "We're stuck here until five," I gasp, glaring at the Capitol cameras as the voice of my brother fills my ears once again.

The birds line the trees, screaming in the voices of our loved ones. "Marblyn, it's over," Finnick says from next to me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "It must be five o'clock."

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