Chapter Eight.

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Rewritten 03.17.2023

The next few days pass in a blur, what with Cato and Clove spending most of their time in the Training Center. Of course, what I didn't expect was Cato to continue spending every night in my bed. I didn't have feelings for Cato, not in the slightest. How could I? Our beliefs couldn't be more different. I hate the Capitol with every cell in my body, while he praises them. I wish the Games would end and find them barbaric, Cato views it as an honor. There is no way in hell that Cato Hadley and I would ever work.

With that thought in mind, the question of why I keep letting him into my bed at night arises. Nothing happens, we just sleep, but why do the two of us insist on sleeping together?

"How were the private sessions with the Gamemakers?" Brutus asks as the four of us eat dinner, preparing to watch the individual rankings of each tribute on TV.

I don't pay attention, dinner just going on as they describe what they had done for the Gamemakers, giving insight on what their scores may be. After dinner, we watch as the rankings come across the screen.

Both Glimmer and Marvel, the District One tributes, ranked a nine. I smile as I see Cato and Clove's tributes, secretly happy they outranked One; the two of them both got a ten. I barely pay attention for the rest of the tributes, only the Eleven male caught my attention with a nine ranking. That's pretty high for a tribute from District Eleven, even his district partner got a semi-decent ranking. She's only twelve years old, and somehow scored a seven. The District Twelve female scored an eleven, the highest of all tributes.

"You want to take out Eleven male and Twelve female as soon as possible," I see what Brutus is saying, because this year Twelve has become a threat. First, with their stylist being one for theatrics, the correct way to the Capitol's heart. And now, scoring an eleven, one of the highest scores ever.

"Ally with District One until the final five," I add. "If they make it that long. Take them out before they can take you out."

"Let's all get some sleep." At Brutus' words, I immediately head toward my room, ignoring that Cato is trailing behind.

"What's going on?" He asks, grabbing my arm and spinning me around so I'm facing him. "You've barely said a word the past three days, only in your sleep."

"I don't talk in my sleep," I roll my eyes, opening the door. "Just leave me alone, Cato." I close the door behind me, but I don't lock it. If Cato were to completely disregard what I just said and come into my room later, I wouldn't mind.

The District Twelve boy screamed, his head red with his own blood and his hands red with his District partner's blood. I found joy in watching my fellow Career, District One male Glorious cut female Twelve to pieces. I laugh as I bring my sword down onto his skull, splitting it in half.

I'm shaken awake, quickly putting my hand on the culprit's throat and pinning him down to the bed. "Marblyn!" The voice of Cato brings me out of my trance and my eyes widen at my actions. I let go of his throat, scooting away from him to the other side of the bed. "It was just a bad dream."

I gasp, trying to catch my breath. I've killed twelve people in my lifetime, not including my uncle. Although my hands didn't kill my uncle, it was my fault he was killed. My uncle's death is one of the main reasons my dad doesn't pay attention to me, to my mom, to my siblings. He knew it was my fault when it happened, that's why I have no communication with my family. I told him what happened, I told him I said no to having sex with a random man and that's why Snow did it. And then, he told me that I needed to suck it up and do what Victors do. So, I've been living in a huge house by myself in Victor's village since I was fourteen years old.

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