Chapter Seven.

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Rewritten 03.16.2023

"Wake up," the hands on my body, shaking me, wake me up from my slumber on high alert. My pillow is rock hard, causing my head to jerk away at the unusual feeling. It isn't a pillow, it's Cato; a shirtless Cato. I jump back immediately, his warmth escaping me as I ensure that no part of our bodies are touching. He's still asleep, probably exhausted from all of my issues yesterday - I should probably apologize for that.

I look up at Brutus' smirking face, fully realizing how this looks. "So, why is Cato in your bed?" He looks almost thrilled, although I don't understand why. It could be because he could use this to gain sponsors for our district, or it could be because I'm extremely antisocial and don't make an effort to talk to anybody that isn't another Victor.

"He's not in my bed," I stare at him blankly, using all my strength to push him off as quickly as possible. Cato hits the floor with a thud, looking up at me with confusion on his face. "See? He's not in my bed."

Brutus chuckles, his eyes flickering from Cato to me before he walks back to my bedroom door. "Breakfast is in five minutes," he informs us, closing the door behind him after his exit.

"Why'd you push me?" He smiles, still laying on the floor. He has his arms behind his head, propping himself up so he can stare at me.

I shake my head, rolling my eyes at the blonde. "If I didn't, Brutus would have spun some mentor/student love story for the Capitol to eat up, not happening." Not only would it advertise me having a weakness, it would also put Cato in unnecessary danger.

"What's wrong with that?" He smirks, standing up from his spot on the floor and taking back his place on the bed.

"You know, Cato," I scoff, rolling my eyes as I program an outfit for me into the closet. "Your smirk is starting to get on my nerves," I strip naked, not caring at the half naked boy still in my room. Almost the entire Capitol has seen me naked, what's one person from my district?

"You say that now, but I know you'll miss me when I'm gone."

When I finish getting dressed, I turn around to face him again. His eyes aren't even on me, he didn't look at my naked body. Maybe Cato is different than usual boys, the usual men I encounter. His eyes are focused on the TV, the remote balanced on his bare stomach.

"Go get dressed," I order him, gesturing toward the door. "Your outfit should be in your room, you're due in the Training Center in about an hour." I leave him in my room, walking down the hallway to the dining table. Rodo and Ericka, the district stylists, are already seated as well as Clove, Brutus, and Vibiana. They're no doubt awaiting Cato and I's arrival.

This is only the second day in the Capitol, and to say the time is dragging on would be an understatement. I would like to go home, and just live a life on my own, consuming all the alcohol I could get my hands on.

"About time!" Brutus laughs, catching the attention of the entire table. I sit down in an empty seat, inwardly groaning at the fact that the only other empty seat - where Cato will sit - is right next to me. Maybe he didn't tell them? "Have I told you I found this one and the boy in bed together?" Never mind, he was waiting until he could humiliate me to tell them. Good for Cato, he missed the embarrassment.

"Sorry I'm late," he announces as he slides into the empty seat, sending me a wink as I look his way. Quickly, I advert my eyes, unwilling to play this game. Marblyn Rivers doesn't date, Marblyn Rivers doesn't have emotions.

Our breakfast is eaten in near silence, the only sound being our forks hitting the plates as we eat our food. "Let's talk business," Brutus says as soon as the stylists and Vibiana leave the table. "Do you guys want to train together or separately?"

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