Part 17:- (Hiding the truth)

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Next day
At Malhotra Mansion

Everybody was having breakfast together but as usual nobody was fighting or shouting at each other about their food preference. Raj noticed that but he didn't say anything because sometimes parents should be a mute and let their kids make mistakes. If people make mistakes then they also learn something from their mistakes. After breakfast Raj went to his room. Manik switched on the tv. He was changing the channel when he saw a breaking news on the news channel.

"Breaking news:- The famous social worker Neonika Gupta died in a road accident."

Tv remote fell from his hand and he sat on the sofa. Abhi immediately hugged him tightly and before he could say something Manik said,

"We have hid this news from dad. He just got discharged from the hospital. He still loves her and he won't be able to handle it. Cabir, switch off the router immediately."

Manik also switched off the tv and pulled out all the tv plugs. At that time Raj came there and said,

"Where is the newspaper? I can't find it in my room."

Dhruv saw the newspaper on the tea table and immediately sat on it. Cabir was going to make any excuse when Arya held his mouth and Abhi said,

"Dad, the newspaper delivery boy didn't come today."

"Oh okay. But what happened to our router? There is no wifi connection?"

Manik immediately said,

"Actually dad, Cabir and Arya were fighting. Cabir threw water on Arya but water fell on the router. That's why it's not working."

"Okay then switch on the tv. I am getting bored in the house."

Raj sat on the sofa and saw the broken remote on the floor. He picked it up and said,

"Now who did this?"

Arya immediately said,

"Dad, Cabir did it."

Cabir glared at him but didn't say anything. Raj laughed out loudly and said,

"My Tom and Jerry are back. Now this home feels like a home to me. I wish you both stay the same forever."

At that time Nandini came there and said,

"Hey guys. Hi uncle. How are you feeling today?"

Manik was scared to see her. He thought she came to meet him and give him some emotional support for his mother's sudden death. So he said,

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to visit Raj Uncle."

"Why do you want to meet him?"

Raj noticed Manik's discomfort about her arrival and said,

"Manik behave yourself. Nandini, thanks for coming. I am feeling better now. How's Chandra Shekhar? Why didn't he come to meet me?"

Manik was surprised to know that Raj already knew her. He said,

"Dad, do you know her?"

"Of course I know her. He is my business partner Chandra Shekhar Murthy's daughter."

"You never told me that."

"Well if I told you then you won't go to her for your therapy. Though you learned to control your anger, I guess you should visit her again to control your mouth because your behavior is getting rude day by day. First you misbehaved with your elder brother and now you are misbehaving with her. Manik, can you tell me when you will learn to act like a human?"

They all were scared. What if Nandini reveals the news. Cabir secretly winked at Abhi and Manik. Abhi got the hint and hint and took Nandini to a room when Cabir removed Arya's hand from his mouth and said,

"Exactly, sometimes he acts like a bulldozer."

Manik immediately held his neck and said,

"How dare you call me a bulldozer?"

Raj shouted angrily,

"Both of you stop fighting and Manik, leave his nick, I said leave him."

When Manik left him, he said,

"Once a bulldozer, always a bulldozer."

That's it he started running around the room while Manik followed him gritting his teeth in anger.

"Dad, see he is again calling me a bulldozer."

Raj slapped his own forehead and said,

"Arya, why don't you stop them?"

Arya raised his hands and said,

"Pardon me. If I take Manik's side then Cabir will keep lying for the whole day. Don't underestimate him. He can actually do it and if I take Cabir's side then Manik will kill me. So it's better to stay away from them."

At that time Dhruv's phone rang. His phone was on the dining table but he couldn't go as he was sitting on the newspaper. Raj got irritated by his phone's ringtone and said,

"Dhruv, why are you sitting like a statue? Your phone is ringing, go and pick up the call."

"It must be Aliya. We had a fight so I don't want to receive her calls now."

"Then keep your phone on silent mode or switch it off. Your ringtone is so irritating."

Actually they were trying to keep Raj engaged in their drama when Abhi explained everything to Nandini and she agreed to help them. Then they came back to the leaving room and seeing them, Manik stopped running behind Cabir and said,

"I am sparing you this time but if you call me a bulldozer again then I will kill you for sure."

Manik went directly to his room. When Raj said,

"They won't change for good. Anyways Nandini, welcome to my zoo. As you can see I have five different animals here. I hope you don't mind their act."

"No, no. Not at all. In fact it's a common fact in a joint family. They fight with each other but they still love each other."

"That's true. Come, let's sit in the garden and talk. By the way, where is your dad? He didn't come to see me for once."

"He is out of the country, that's why he couldn't come to see you. But he requested me to visit you and inform him about your condition."

"Okay. I am sorry for Manik's behavior. He might be a little rude but trust me, he is not bad at heart. Actually he is mentally disturbed to see me in this condition but he won't say anything. He is very bad at expressing his feelings. God knows what would happen to him I won't be alive."

"Uncle, why are you saying this? He has his brothers with him. I can't say anything about his brothers because I don't know them personally but he loves his brothers a lot."

"I know and they also love him but sometimes they fail to understand him. I won't blame them because Manik always creates a wall around him and never lets anyone come inside the boundary. I wish there would be someone who can break this boundary and bring him out."

"It's okay uncle. I can understand."

That's it for today. How's the update? Did you enjoy it? Please let me know your opinions by your comments and of course don't forget to vote.
Take care

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