Chapter 15

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Laura's POV;

"With.. Ryland..."

"Ryland Johnson, from 11th grade?" Ms. Batist also had Ryland, in a different class.

Ross nodded and looked down. Rydel widened her eyes and I just stare at him in disbelief. Why would he? I thought they were friends...

"Why?" My teacher asked. I had the same question, 'Why?'

"We both.. We both--" He sighed and glanced at me, "We both liked this girl..."

I gasped. Relany? RYLAND LIKES RELANY?!

"WHO SHE?" Rydel stood up from her seat and scream. I hid my face with my hand when Ross looked at us. "I can't say!"

"Tell me you little, I swear!" She screamed once again. Ross just sighed and looked away. The teacher signed him a detention and Ross left, giving me one last glance.

Seconds later, I asked to go to the bathroom. I catch up to Ross in the hallway, making his way to the office with the security guard. I ran up to him and yank his arm, making him look at me.

"What happened?" I sternly said. He pulls his arm away and said, "That is not none of your business little girl." He booped my nose and kept walking, and me being his tail.

"Tell me! Ryland likes Relany?" I ask, hoping it wouldn't be true.

"Look, Laura, I don't know. But right now, I don't wanna know. I'm not in the mood for talking about Ryland right now." He cleared up.

I just sigh and stayed quiet for a moment.

"Ryland likes me, right?"

"Oh god! Laura, don't you get it? I seriously don't wanna talk about it!" He tried to say it in the nicest way possible.

"Fine, but please tell me who's the girl and I'll stop." I said and he just sighed.

"Laura, I can't tell you that."


"I need to go now, just please stop asking and I'll talk to you tomorrow."

He opened the door and I stopped walking. I groan and went back to class.

//Page Break//

The rest of the class I just played with my pencil and kept my head down on the low.

I wasn't paying attention to the movie, it was a stupid animated movie.

I get a piece of paper and wrote:

I'm gonna get a detention so I can see Ross. JK!

I put jokingly. Of course I'm not gonna get a detention, I've never had one in my life.

I pass the note to Rydel and her eyes went big. She clearly doesn't know what 'JK' means...

"Just kidding...." I breathed out and she nods slowly.

I heard the door open and I got scared. What if it's Ross again?! Fortunately, it was some of Ross' friends helping out the teacher take out some things out of her classroom.

That was Calum, Rocky, Riker, and some other guy I don't know. Honestly, I giggled. They come here all the time, except the guy I'm not familiar with.

Because the light was out, I could only see the shadows of the boys, but beside the darkness, the guy's cute.

After the movie was over, I told Rydel and Raini that the guy is cute.

Raini went up to him and asked, "Hey, you, what's your name?" "Sean..." He replied. Calum turned around facing the class with curiosity forming his face, "WHO WANTS TO KNOW?!" Raini ignored him and screamed across the room, "LAURA! HIS NAME IS SEAN!"

Rydel started banging the table and laughed so hard and I just mumbled, "Oh my god, this stupid big mouth.." And hid my face with my sweater.

"Wait, Laura likes Sean? I thought you liked Ross though." He asked me. I took a deep breath and say, "I don't like him anymore..." When I say I don't like it, I'm lying...

"Then who do you like now?" He wiggled his eyebrows and Raini smirked and yelled, "LAURA LIKES YOU!" Then Calum smirked and Rydel yelled, "Oh don't do it! Don't do it!"

Then Calum started walking up to me. But Ms. Batist laughed it off and said, "Calum, leave her alone," in a joking way.

But Calum just kept going, going straight to me.

He hung his arm around me and smirked, "Hola señorita."

Oh god...


Haha! That was actually the best day ever. Aryanna could never stop laughing that day.

Also, thank you guys for all the comments last chapter ")

I have 2 good news! First, school is over on Thursday, so I would have even MORE time to update my books! Yay!

Second, I have a new book. It's "KitKat's News and Updates Book". I guess by the title you already know what it is.

It's basically letting you know when updates will be released by me and you'll also find out about R5 news.

So, make sure to check it out so you won't be left out!



Math: Ryland admits his feelings for Laura face-to-face

Reading: Ross can't handle a detention

History: Ross and Ryland both like Laura when she is confused

Science: Sean and Laura have chemistry

Haha, see what I did there? Science, chemistry?

Ya, ok...

Bye guys!


WHO ELSE HEARD "All Night"?!?!?

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