Track 5 - Sixx:A.M.

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Saturday, April 7th

The air inside the Whisky-a-Go-Go was thick with anticipation, a blend of excitement and tension that always precedes a live show. The dimly lit venue is a melting pot of characters, each with their own story and purpose for being there. For Sixx and his newly formed band, this is a night of reckoning, a moment to prove their worth and introduce their music to the world.

As the clock inched closer to showtime, the four members of the band were confined to their dressing room. The setting was simple but charged with energy. DJ's fingers danced across his guitar strings, James's humming filled the air as he warmed up his vocal cords, and Sixx was focused on adding that touch of theatricality to his appearance, accentuating his look with bold makeup.

Rae busted into the room, her drumsticks swirling between her fingers and dressed in barbed wire print boyfriend jeans, black-laced boots, and a Nirvana cropped vest-top. Her sultry eyeliner eyes were immediately fixated on Sixx's makeup, and she couldn't help but show her approval.

"Damn, that's gnarly, dude," Rae exclaimed, clearly impressed by the bold and distinctive look.

"You say everything's cool, drummer," DJ interjected, his tone tinged with characteristic apathy; Rae playfully rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at him.

"So, you think there's gonna be anybody out there tonight?" James asked Sixx, his voice carrying a mix of curiosity and anticipation.

"We put up enough flyers," Sixx responded, attempting to sound reassuring as he added the final changes to his hair, which spiked up at the crown. "I hope so."


"Ladies and gentlemen. Please welcome... Sixx:A.M.," a promoter announced through the microphone.

The response is scattered clapping that roamed around the room. Wasting no time to do this, Sixx, followed by James, DJ, and Rae, walked into the light that illuminated the stage and got into position; DJ on the left with his guitar, Sixx on the right with his bass, Rae behind the trio of boys, spinning her drumsticks around her fingers and standing before her drum set and James at the front. Nerves were one thing, playing a song was another. To make things more introductory, Rae started with a small drumroll.

"Alright!" James cried out. "We're Sixx:A.M.!"

Finishing the drum-roll, a sudden crash interrupted the momentum. One of the cymbals from Rae's drum set fell to the floor, the clash of metal against the stage creating a discordant note.

"Fuck!" Rae cursed under her breath in annoyance.

It's a momentary setback and the jeers from the audience reveal their impatience and dissatisfaction. Luckily, she managed to rekindle the cymbal back on the set before they could get kicked off stage.

"Come on, boys," James encouraged with a grin. "Let's rock this hole!"

Hitting the drumsticks to count the beat, Rae, Sixx and DJ start the music up, combining the instruments into one big thrasher. It was obvious to take note that the people inside the Whisky weren't too fond of this kind of music. What played in there was classics however, this was an upcoming band that had been put to the test. When James's voice came along, the crowd had layers of unsatisfying hatred written all over their faces. It made sense to Sixx who ignored it, despite the growing annoyance.

"She lights a candle, but she doesn't know why
She wants to save me, but I'm barely alive
My soul is thirsty, I just wanna get high
And make her go away—"

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