◆Chapter IV◆

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"No no! I won't allow this Y/N." Hiroto said, grabbing ahold of your hands as you tried to pack.

"Why not?! It will save the city. I have to do this." You said, pleading with the only person you'd hope would understand why you're doing this.

"It's risky, besides that demon has been lying and manipulating people since birth for all we know. How do you know he won't blow this whole place up the second you get in the air."

Hiroto was right, what was stopping him from going back on his word. He'd already have you in his hands, so it's not like you could then go back on the deal.

Though what if he wouldn't? At least by going you'd have a higher chance of stopping him.

"I have my ability Hiroto. I'll be fine." You said, noticing the way he tensed at your sentince.

"No, I don't care. What if something goes wrong? I need you here Y/N. I care about you." He said, his tone sounding off despite his words.

You cared about how he felt, you cared about him. But you also care about this city and your mission.

You were torn in two and didn't know what to do to make it right.

"I'm sorry Hiroto. I'll be careful okay? I'll even make sure to keep in contact." You said, holding his hand with a smile. "I promise."

You watched as he sighed, though you could have sworn you saw a flash of anger in his expression.

"Alright, whatever. Just be safe and text me every chance you get."

"I will. I promise."

You were on the plane over to Russia, the home country of your demon captor.

"Thirsty?" You heard from beside you, the sound of his voice causing you to constrict in anger.

"No, leave me alone."

"Now now, you don't need to be so nasty." Fyodor said, his tone monotone and tired sounding.

You didn't even bother to look at him, let alone respond. Your head resting on your hand as you looked out the window.

"You won't be doing anything for me, if that's why you're angry." Fyodor said, his head turning slightly to look at you.

"Then why? Why are you ruining my life!?" You said, turning your head to return his gaze with a glare.

"No need to be so hostile." Fyodor said with a smirk, looking at you with an oddly gentle expression. "I took you because I wanted to make a statement. To take the thing the government cares for the most."

"So you ruined my life because you wanted to be dramatic?" You said, venom lacing your tone.

A hum escaped his lips, his finger coming up to rest on his chin. "No."

You looked at him with a tense expression. You wishing you could get out of this seat and kill him.

"No what?!"

"I didn't ruin your life. I simply took you from it." Fyodor said sarcastically, a humored smile on his face.

You just turned away from him, taking a deep breath as you tried to keep your composer.


You were standing at the gates of hell. The front of Fyodor's, oddly nice, lair? Home? You didn't know what to call it.

You were blindfolded the second you landed, Fyodor insuring you wouldn't find the location of said place.

"We're here." He said, taking the blindfold off you.

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