◆Chapter XVIII◆

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"𝙱𝚞𝚝 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚗𝚘 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚎𝚕𝚕?" -𝙵𝚢𝚘𝚍𝚘𝚛 𝙳𝚘𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚎𝚟𝚜𝚔𝚢, 𝚆𝚑𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝙽𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜
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You felt a small hand rest on your shoulder, your eyes shut tighter as your body fought to stay asleep. Though with the hand now shaking you, your body couldn't hold on much longer.

With a groggy voice your eyes slowly opened and instantly came face to face with no other than, Fyodor Dostoevsky.

"Hey dear, it's time to get up alright?" He said, his gaze apologetic for having to awake you unwillingly.

"It is already? hm." You said, sounding slightly sad as you shifted to bury your face into his chest.

You didn't want to leave, you were finally comfortable and happy here. Not to mention you hated dealing with others, despite your previous work, so knowing you were going back in, just on the other side of the coin sucked.

"I know I know, but I promise the second we're done we'll be back, okay?" Fyodor responded, his hand running through your hair as he kept you close. He too didn't want to let you go, his chin resting on the top of your head.

"Yeah, thank you Fyodor. We'll get through this." You said, lifting your head up to kiss him before raising to get out of bed.

Fyodor kissed you back before doing the same, his body moving towards the clothes he set out to get dressed.

He let you take the bathroom, as he knew you had a whole routine. So changing in your room quickly was nothing for him.

He changed into his normal attire, his gaze falling onto himself in the vanity mirror. The eye bags under his eyes looked more intense than usual. His eyes more slanted while his face looked more pale.

He hadn't been doing the best since making the plan with Fitzgerald, as he was scared of hurting you. Then with Fitzgerald messing everything up, it only made things more risky.

He hated himself for letting this happen, he hated himself for falling into the very cage Nikokai preached about. He hated everything. Everything but the three other people who resided in this home with him.

"Fyodor, hey! hey!" He suddenly heard, snapping him out of his trance. His head whipped around, his gaze falling onto you directly next to him. You had an expression of worry on your face, something that completely caught you off guard.

Why where you like that? He thought as your hands quickly grabbed his.

"Fyodor, what's wrong, you were glaring in the mirror, your hands were gripping so hard on the vanity you were shaking.... I- are you okay?" You said, your expression still worried as he held his hand in a soothing tone.

Fyodor's gaze shifted, he didn't even realize how caught up he was into his thoughts. That he was that intense with his posture.

"Ahem, yes dear I'm fine. I just, had a moment that's all." He said, his head dipping down to kiss your cheek before moving towards his packed bag left by the door.

"Fyodor, this is bothering you, isn't it? It's okay to talk I... I'm here for you okay?" Your words were like a blow to him, the small wall he was slowly starting to build back up crashing down again. He could no longer be tough and dismissive, at least in this moment.

"I'm sorry, I don't handle change in my plans well, especially when it puts you at risk. I'm worried yes, but I'll be fine." He admitted.

Your face fell sympathetically, your body moving over to wrap your arms around him in a comforting way. "It's okay to be afraid Fyodor. It's okay to worry about me... But don't let it get to your head, okay? We got this, and I'll do anything for you to help make sure of that."

Fyodor smiled as he held you closer to him, his heart practically melting as he couldn't help but love you more and more every day.

"You always know what to say dear, though I already knew all that." Fyodor said, his tone giving off his joking manner.

"Can't you just accept my help?" You joked back, you both chuckling before releasing the other. Moving to grab the your bags you both made your way down the stairs.

At the door you were greeted with both Ivan and Nikokai who looked somber despite their smiles.

"Good morning you two, sleep well?" Ivan said, giving you both a polite bow.

Though Nikokai on the other hand couldn't contain a polite demeanor as he was too upset about the parting. Launching himself forward he pulled you both into a tight hug, catching everyone off guard.

"Oh Dos! Y/N! I'm going to miss you two so much! You be safe out there okay?!" He shouted, squeezing you both tighter.

"Wow wow, easy Nikokai. You said, giving a slight chuckle despite the welling of tears threatening you.

"I can't help it! I know we'll meet again but I can't help but be sad to see the actors in my show go! You two be safe out there, and Y/N, take care of Dos for me alright!"

"I know I know, I promise I will alright, keep Ivan company for us will ya?" You joked with a chuckle as you tried not to show the emotion in your voice.

"I'm sure it should be the other way around." Fyodor chimed in, a small smile cracking on his face.

You noticed a chuckle from Ivan, his hand covering his mouth as he tried to stay proper in front of his master.

Nikokai on the other hand gave a dramatic gasp and hid into his overcoat. "I am not that bad! How could you Dos!"

Fyodor rolled his eyes and sighed as he gave Nikolai a firm pat on the shoulder. "Whatever you say Gogol, now we must really get going. We can't be delayed." Fyodor said, his words holding a hint of a somber tone within it. Something only you picked up on.

"Aww, well you two get going!" He said, moving to give you a personal tight hug. "Be safe Y/N!"

You laughed at him, a smile forming on your face as you held him tighter. "I will, don't worry. You too Nikolai."

"Thank you so much! Bye bye now!" He said before moving to Dos, his hands grabbing ahold of his friends. "You be careful too Dos, we all need you here." He said, at this point making things more emotional and dramatic on purpose.

"Yes, I know I know." Fyodor said with a small smile. His gaze shifting as Nikokai leaned in to whisper in his ear.

You didn't know what was said, but you could tell it had something to do about the plan. A small smile on your face as your gased turned to face Ivan. "Thank you for all the dinners Ivan, I'll miss your food." You said with a polite smile.

With a nod he smiled back and gave you a polite smile back. "No worries, I'll have a glorious meal for your return. Bye bye now."

With a smile you walked over to the door, Fyodor soon joining you once Nikokai finished spreading some news. Giving one last wave and and round of good-byes you both left, the long journey to Yokohama looming ahead.

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AHHH I'm so sorry this chapter is late, I've been so busy and tired lately! Though my dearest apologies for as of tomorrow I'll be starting a huge project that will take all month so updates might be slower!

Though do fret because they will still definitely be coming!! <3

Anyway thank you all who's reading this RN and has stuck through my crazy story!

Have a great day! :)

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