2 year olds are a handful!

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It was a quiet day in the dark cacao kingdom,warriors were training,watchers were getting educated on bows and arrows,the king was watching over his two twins, dark choco cookie and light vanilla cookie. Dark cacao decided to give his daughter the name light vanilla cookie in honor of his best friend,pure vanilla cookie the cookie along with 3 others that he went to school with. He's heard that pure vanilla had a son of his own and was happy for him,that's when his twins were 1 years old. Dark choco cookie was given that name because it was a type of chocolate and his dough resembled the chocolate so his father came up with the name dark choco cookie. They both were sleeping peacefully in their shared crib that was purple and black both of them cuddling each other. That is until the other one started whining causing the other one to wake up and start crying the father immediately picked up both of his children and started cradling them in his arms. "Shh it's alright little ones there's no need to cry now fathers here" the two cookies immediately calmed down snuggling into their father. "You two are adorable yet a handful you know that right?" All he got in response were a few babbles and some giggles his children didn't know how to speak yet but he knew they would very soon and he'd be waiting for the day they speak their first words. Eventually the twins fell asleep in his arms the king put them back in the crib placing a blanket over them both. Walking out of the nursery he made his way to his throne room where one of the watchers would be waiting for him with a young cookie known as caramel arrow,who held so much potential for a 7 year old. Once the king entered he saw a watcher and a young cookie with brown hair who immediately bowed down once she made eye contact with the king "what's brings you here?" "Apologies for disturbing your time my king but I believe one of my students hold many potential with a bow and she would like to show you a demonstration" "is that so? Very well then,bring out the target! Let's see what this cookie really is made of" one of his guards brought out a target and a bow and arrow with 5 arrows attached to it "one arrow is enough" the young girl told the warrior "really? Very well then" she grabbed one arrow and placed it on the bow and backed away from the target. Once she was far enough she closed one of her eyes and let go the arrow hitting the target in the middle. The king was surprised that she managed to do it with one arrow while the teacher just smiled like she'd seen it happen many times before "it seems this cookie really does hold some potential she'll be trained personally by one of the best watchers in the kingdom!" "Thank you my king!" The young girl said gratefully as she bowed down to her king before leaving the throne room. "Maybe we have a future leader on our hands I can't shake the feeling she may be the best watcher in the future perhaps she and my son could train together when he's older?" The king always did wonder if his children would have friends besides each other when they grow up and he thinks he'd just found their future best friend.

Word count:598

This story will slowly start getting to the part where dark choco hurts his father but for now the twins will be babies for the next 5-6 chapters.

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