Hidden love (extra)

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The tall hollyberrian stared at the view below him thinking about how he would confess to crunchy chip. He didn't know the first step to love or confessing and it was making him a bit nervous. "Why had I agreed to do this again?" The hollyberrian mumbled to himself before his eyes caught sight of the dark cacao castle. He immediately lowered the hot air balloon and grabbed the flowers before walking through the entrance. The cookies around stared at him weirdly before the king came outside and made contact with his friends guard. "Hollyberry cookie? What brings you here?" "W-well,I sincerely hope you don't mind but it seems I have developed a love interest for crunchy chip cookie and queen hollyberry cookie send me to confess" "very well then, but I must warn you boy,if you crush his heart in any way you will have my blade to answer to,is that understood?" "Yes you're highness,never in a million years would I imagine of doing such a thing" "you may go ahead now" the king pointed to his warriors house before the outlander started walking towards it. Every step he took only made him more nervous as he thought about what to say. The words of his queen echoed in his mind 'even if you do not know what to say beforehand,when the moment comes so will the words slip from your tongue' with a deep breath,he knocked on the door. A second later,the door opened and he looked down to see the short cookie staring right back at him with a confused expression. "What are you doing here? And why the flowers?" "Crunchy chip cookie,ever since I layed eyes on you I knew there was something special about you that nobody else made me feel before,that day when I saw you cover your ears because of the loud noises sparked something inside me. What I'm trying to say is,will you be my boyfriend?" Silence. Every second made him rethink his words did  he sound to cheesy? He was brought out of his thoughts when suddenly,he felt himself being tugged down before someone's lips met his. At first, he froze before he melted into the kiss feeling relieved that he hadn't made a fool out of himself. After a minute they both separated from the kiss and stared into each other's eyes before the dark cacao warrior spoke up "of I'll be yours,I've always felt the same about you too,wildberry cookie" said cookie picked up his new short boyfriend and embraced him in a hug wanting nothing more in that very moment.

Things worked out for everybody in the end, the prince finally let go of his guilt, the two warriors relationship grew over time,golden cheese stopped having nightmares of the night her kingdom perished, and light vanilla was just glad to have her twin brother back.

The end

Thank you so much everyone for reading this au,and I'm proud to announce it is officially finished. Thanks for staying until they very end and I'll see you all in another brand new book I have planned out!

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