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*Time skip to when the twins are now 12*

"Hey there brother!" A cheerful voice came from behind the prince as he was training trying to focus on the training dummy. He turned around and saw his sister running towards him with her warrior outfit that their father had given them "hey there sister do you need something?" He asked as he felt his sister hug him tightly "I just wanted to see you!" "Of course you did, do you wanna practice using a sword father did say you needed to practice of wielding it" "yes!" She said happily before picking up a sword from nearby and started practicing on the training dummy her brother picking up a bow and arrow before heading towards the targets where he would meet a new friend. Once he got there he saw a girl with black and brown hair struggling with the arrow he looked amused at the sight before walking over to help the struggling cookie. "Your putting the bow slightly lower than where it should be" a voice startled the training warrior before she looked next to her and saw the prince. "Your majesty!" "You don't have to be formal now put the bow slightly up and you might want to fix your posture follow my movements" the watcher followed the prince's orders and when she shot her arrow,she hit the target. "There you go! Now I need to go before my sister starts freaking out" she chuckled at that as she watched the prince walk away. The prince was watching his sister get better at the sword when suddenly he saw their father approaching them "my children,it is time to head inside" "very well father" light vanilla held her brothers arms as they entered the castle. It was a habit that she developed when they were both four,since she had a bit of trouble walking her brother always offered his hand to her and every time she'd always take it without hesitation. Once they entered the castle the twins started making their way towards their shared bedroom they always slept in ever since their infancy. The prince opened the door and let go of his sister's arm then he headed towards his bed and sat on the edge "today was fun! Did you see how I help that sword?! I'm an expert!" "You are improving but you certainly have a long way form becoming an expert" his twin let out a cute pout before covering herself under the blankets and falling asleep. The prince let out a small sigh before getting under the cover's drifting off to sleep as well.

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