The pure vanilla kingdom

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"I wonder where's the nearest kingdom?" The prince asked himself as he wandered around the land of earthbread. He then suddenly remembered the map that was in his back pocket and immediately pulled it out and started heading towards the nearest kingdom. That kingdom was the pure vanilla kingdom,ruled by pure vanilla cookie one of ancients his father was friends with along with 3 others who were kings and queens some of them had children and some did not. The hard problem was how was he going to get there? When his father told stories about the pure vanilla he was surprised to figure out it was literally a floating castle in the sky. He started heading towards his destination looking forward to his new home and his second chance. Along the way,he had ran out of food and looked for food along the way he eventually caught a few rabbits and found some jellybeans in some nearby bushes that were edible. After a few more hours of walking he finally saw the castle in the sky surrounded by many villages he noticed there were stairs made of clouds that he could use to get into the kingdom. He knew that if he went up those steps,he'd never come back down in fear of his family finding him. Sucking in a breath,he looked once more at the land looking around as if he was saying goodbye,which he was and went up the steps all the way into the kingdom. A cookie like him was out of place his dough was different than any other cookie here but he ignored it and took a look around his surroundings. The houses had yellow ceilings and white walls with a window near the door the village was lively with people chatting without a care in the world "this is going to take a while to get used to" the prince mumbled to himself. He then walked up to the palace gates where two vanillian guards stood they stared at the chocolate cookie in a weird way before letting him in. The prince thanked the guards before heading to the throne room where he would ask for the king's approval on letting him become a citizen. As he walked around he couldn't help but miss his home and it's decor but he quickly shook off the thoughts once he arrived at the throne room. He carefully opened the door and there was pure vanilla cookie sitting on his throne with a smile on his face he sure is different from my father,I wonder how they became friends? "Hello there young cookie what brings you here?" "My name is dark choco cookie I come from the dark cacao kingdom,I have fled my homeland because of a grieve mistake I did and would like to start anew" "I see,well then welcome to the pure vanilla kingdom! Unfortunately,we don't have any open houses but you can live with pomegranate cookie and her friends they have quite a large house it's impossible to miss" "very well then" he bowed before exiting the throne room and started heading towards the exit. Once he was outside,he started to look around for a large house and after some searching,he found a two story house with the same features as the other houses surrounding it in neat rows. He knocked on the door and within the next second,a cookie with the scent of pomegranates opened the door "ah,you must be dark choco cookie welcome to the pure vanilla kingdom your room is upstairs" he nodded before the cookie moved out of the way so he could have space to come inside. "Those cookie on the couch are red velvet cookie,poison mushroom cookie,licorice cookie, and I am pomegranate cookie" "nice to meet you all" the prince waved. All the cookies on the couch waved before paying attention to the tv screen once again pomegranate cookie motioned for the new cookie to go upstairs and get settled into his room. He went into his room and started decorating it with things he brought from his room and settled in. Once he was done he flopped onto his bed and fell asleep thinking about how his new life would turn out for him.

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