The search has begun

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The king of the dark cacao kingdom was sleeping peacefully when he suddenly felt someone jump on his bed disturbing his peaceful sleep "daddy! Todays the day everyone's waiting for you hurry up I wanna find my brother!" He opened his eyes and look at his daughter who was staring back at him with those excited eyes of hers that he adored ever since she was a baby. "Very well then,what time is it?" "Seven forty" light vanilla said happily "I also packed your stuff for you and I've already set them up on the cream wolves" "how on earthbread did you manage to do all that?" "I woke up early and started helping the warriors who were coming" dark cacao was surprised on how his daughter wasn't tired but even so,she's been a little cookie of energy since she was born. The king got out of bed and went inside his bathroom to get ready for the long journey ahead of them. First,he put on his daily king clothes along with the crown that was bestowed upon him when his father died. He was only 16 at the time but he had proven to be an amazing king for the dark cacao kingdom. Once he finished the king opened the bathroom door and saw that his daughter was waiting for him eagerly at the door. The princess was indeed excited to bring her twin home, she just hoped he wouldn't try to run away. She then felt herself being picked up by her father and she giggled as he put her on his shoulders. "Daddy,im not a baby anymore!" "I know,but you must be exhausted from helping so many warriors and not to mention you woke up early as well" she pouted at that trying to look mad but in reality,her father just found it adorable. Meanwhile,crunchy chip and caramel arrow were waiting outside for their king and princess to come outside so they could start their journey. "Do you think we'll be able to find the missing prince?" "Of course crunchy chip,unless you're doubting the king's fatherly instincts" "of course not! I'm just worried" "we all are but there's nothing we can do but search" crunchy chip nodded at her before climbing on to his cream wolve caramel arrow doing the same. In the distance, was the king along with his daughter who was still on his shoulders. "Are you ready to find your brother?" The father asked his little princess as they continued walking "ready as I'll ever be papa"

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