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"And they lived happily ever after" the prince said softly to the two children in the bed beside him.Custard cookie needed someone to babysit him for a while and poison mushroom needed to sleep since it was past his bedtime. "Can we have another story pleaseee" the little shroom begged "I'm sorry little guy but it's time for your afternoon nap,we don't want you cranky do we?" He cooed to the little ones just like his father did when they were younger "fine!" The tiny prince pouted cutely. "Alright goodnight you two I'll wake you up in an hour alright?" His words didn't reach their ears since they had already fallen asleep the minute the lights went off. There was a slight commotion outside and the prince decided to take a peek out of the window in the living room only for him to immediately look away and turn off the lights. "That wasn't my father,right?" He panted out before locking the back door and closing all the windows in the living room and kitchen. "Dark choco? What's going on?!" Red velvet had came down and saw his friend in a panic covering all the windows bringing the bottom of the house in pure darkness. "Please,have a seat on the couch and don't freak out,please?" "Okayyy,what's going on?" The confused cookie sat down next to his trembling friend who was on the verge of tears. Once he knew his friend would listen he started tearfully explaining everything about his past including what he accidentally did to his father which made him cry even more. Red velvet wasted no time embracing his friend into a hug gently rubbing his back. "Shh,I'm sure your father understands and won't punish you,he's probably worried sick about you,so is your twin" "y-you think so?" "I know so. It's alright if you don't want to go back" the prince was relieved that his friend understood his situation and was willing to help him. Soon enough,he fell asleep and red velvet carried him to his room feeling relieved he could his friend in times of distress.

Dark cacao and the two ancients entered the vanilla castle while the others waited outside asking villagers if they'd seen the prince. The three ancients knocked on the throne room where they would soon be reunited with their friend. "Come in!" A cheerful voice echoed through the hallway. The three ancients slowly opened the door before revealing their faces to pure vanilla cookie. He was surprised to see his friends standing there it's been so long since they've seen each other and all he could do was run into their arms and welcome them to his kingdom once more. "It's good to see you are alright my friends,but what brings you here?" "Has there been a cookie called dark choco cookie in your kingdom? He looks like me and I must find him desperately" "there is a cookie named that in my kingdom,he lives with a few other cookies in a two story house" the father wasted no time thanking his friend before running out of the palace in search for the building.

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