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Poison mushroom was sitting on the couch watching a show when he heard a loud knock on the door. Curious,he hoped off the couch and went to go open the door wondering who it could be. He went on his tippy toes and opened the door handle revealing a very tall man with the same dough as dark choco cookie. "Who are you?" The young cookie asked unknown to who this cookie actually was "I am dark cacao cookie,I am in search for my son dark choco cookie,does he live here by any chance?" Before the young one could answer pomegranate cookie came and picked him up before staring at dark cacao. "Yes,he does live here but I don't suggest coming in,red velvet warned me about your arrival and said not to let you in until he wakes up" "very well then,I will wait out here,but you have to answer to my daughter and she's a cookie you wouldn't wanna deal with when mad" the red hair cookie scoffed before shutting the door in his face. "What where you thinking answering the door all by yourself like that young man?" "I was curioussss" the little one slurred out. "Just go sit back down on the couch with licorice cookie,you babies can watch your cartoons while I have a chat with dark choco" pomegranate explained before walking up the stairs into the princes room. "Dark choco cookie,are you awake?" "What's the issue pomegranate cookie?" "Your father's outside staring at the window like a madman" he immediately jolted out of his bed and hid under it feeling terrified to see his father in fear of punishment. Her expression softened and she slowly walked up to the bed before crouching down to look at her poor friend who was on the verge of tears. "Hey,if there's one thing I know is that you're father would never hurt you in fact,it's quite the opposite. He wants you to come home,can you do that for us?" "Fine" she moved out of the way before helping him off the floor and steady on his feet. "Ready?" "I think so" the two friends walked down the stairs before pausing at the door. "Tell the others I said bye pomegranate cookie,father tends to be overprotective and I'm sure after I come home I'll never be able to leave" he snickered to lighten the mood. "Farewell,dark choco cookie" that was the last thing she said before  heading back up the stairs to let them have their little family reunion. The prince took a deep breath before opening the door and staring his father dead in the eyes. None of them moved for a moment before the king brought his son into a tight hug picking him up in the process "don't you ever leave like that ever again dark choco cookie you hear me? Do you know how worried I was?!" "I'm sorry papa I was afraid of hurting anyone else again and I wasn't thinking clearly" "I forgive you,but you're never leaving my sight again you hear me?" "Alright papa" his father started walking to the exit of the kingdom where they would start heading home the minute he got on his wolf.

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